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I didn't want to wake up, but I knew that I needed to get home to do Christmas with Charlie. Edward was feeling around blindly for my cell phone which had interrupted our peaceful sleep. "Love, I don't want to seem rude, but turn that damn thing off."

I sighed, "I wish I could, but you're laying on it."

He groaned as he rolled away from me. I immediately felt cold without him. The sound of my alarm ceased and then he wrapped himself around me again. He kissed the back of my neck and pulled me closer into his chest.

"Edward," I groaned. He was wearing down my will to get up, which really hadn't been that strong to begin with. "Charlie doesn't know that I spent the night. I need to get home before he does."

He nuzzled into my neck, "It's five o'clock in the morning, Bella. Why can't we wait till later?"

I laughed, "Because my father is the type of man who wakes up at five to go to work and at four to go fishing. I have no doubt that he'll be home early today."

Edward grumbled as he held me tighter for just a moment. Then he released me and rolled out of bed. I slipped out of bed and shrugged into a coat. There was no reason to change since I'd probably go right back to bed once I was home.

Edward helped me gather all my things and led me down the stairs and to his car. I was surprised at how slow he drove, but didn't bring it up. Instead choosing to revel in his proximity for just a little bit longer. Fifteen minutes later, we pulled up to my house. I was relieved to see that the cruiser was still missing.

Edward got out and held the door open for me. He held his hand out to help me stand. Once I was on my feet, he pulled me into his arms. He turned to kiss my temple before burying his face in my hair. "You are amazing, Bella. I love you."

I melted into him completely forgetting our surroundings. I shifted in his arms until I was able to claim his lips. I pressed my lips to his just feeling how soft they were. One of his arms drifted from my waist and his hand came to rest on my neck. He pulled my lips more forcefully against his. I acquiesced to his desire and opened my lips slightly, drawing in his bottom lip. He lightly sucked on my top lip before running his tongue along it. I allowed his tongue entry and let my own meet it. I stroked his tongue, eliciting a deep moan. I let my fingers tunnel in his hair, and pulled him closer.

I didn't even attempt to pull away until I became dizzy. I separated my lips from his reluctantly. He pressed his forehead to mine, messaging my scalp as we tried to calm our breathing.

Once my heart rate had slowed considerably, Edward kissed my forehead and took my hand. He picked up my stuff and walked me to the door.

When we reached my door, he turned me to press his lips to mine again. "Merry Christmas, Isabella," he breathed. He closed his eyes as he turned from me, as if wishing not to watch himself leave. I stood with my back against my door, hand on the door knob until he was safely away.

When I couldn't even hear the Volvo anymore, I turned into the house. It was after 5:30, and I had no idea how long Charlie planned to stay with Sue.

Part of me wanted to go to bed, but I knew that I wasn't going to be able to sleep. The combination of Edward's absence and the memory of our passionate goodbye would just leave me restless.

After putting my things in my room, I put my laptop on the kitchen table and started it up.

While I was waiting for my ridiculously slow laptop to boot up, I began to pull down the ingredients that I would need to create a rather large Christmas brunch. I heard the window's musical lilt and went to my computer and put in the CD that Edward had given me into the slot. His compositions began to fill the small kitchen as I worked.

I made French Toast, pancakes, sausage, and a mixture of biscuits and cakes.

I began to get nervous at about eight when Charlie still hadn't shown up. I began to pace the living room, and finally decided at 8:30 that I needed to know where he was.

I called Jake, because I needed to get the Clearwater's number. I knew I was probably overreacting. Charlie probably felt the same way I did when I was with Edward, but I needed to make sure. The phone rang ten times and no one answered. I hung up and dialed again, only to get the same answer.

I threw my phone across the room in irritation. It landed on the couch with a low thud. I paced the kitchen for five minutes trying to push down my irrational fears. The timer on the oven went off and pulled out a pan of biscuits and put in a cake and walked back to my phone.

I picked up the phone and dialed Jake's number again. I nearly growled when there was no answer. Why wasn't anyone answering.

I was about to make a quick trip to La Push when I remembered that I didn't have any form of transportation. I glared out the window at the spot where my truck should be sitting.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked down to see a number that I didn't know. Hoping it was Charlie calling from Sue's, I immediately answered. "Hello?"

"Bella?" A deep male voice asked. Carlisle.

"Yeah, it's me. What can I do for you, Carlisle?"

He took a deep breath. I grabbed the window sill at which I was standing, there was sadness and worry in the way he breathed. Did something happen to Edward? "Bella, is there anyway you can get to the hospital?"

"Why? What happened?"

He took another deep breath. "Your father was in an accident, Bella." I don't remember what else he might have said. My mind went completely blank and blackness encroached on my vision.

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