Old Meets New

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My eyes fluttered open slowly. I looked around the room and sighed in contentment. I was glad that Jake hadn't bothered to ask further questions. I had been telling the truth when I said that Edward wouldn't be spending the night at Charlie's house. What Jacob didn't know was that I wouldn't be either. After Jake left, I told Edward that we were going back to his house.

When we had gotten here last night, Esme had been all too willing to have me spend the night. Her one condition had been that we leave the door open. An easy condition for me to accept.

Edward's fingers were splayed across my stomach. Sometimes he would stroke my stomach subconsciously. My muscles would tighten slightly under his touch. It was strange how instantly my body reacted to him. I still found myself going weak in the knees when he spoke. The embarrassing part was that he knew how he affected me. He'd become well aware of his dazzling abilities.

"Bella," Edward groaned as he pulled me tightly against his chest.

"Mmm?" I let the sound of his voice wash over me. I loved the way my name sounded coming off his lips. Especially when he was drowsy like this.

He kissed my shoulder softly sending an electric jolt right to my heart. "Good morning, Love."

We continued to lay there, wrapped up in each other. I loved these moments with Edward. They didn't have the passion that some of our heavier make-out sessions, but I felt more connected to him in these moments.

As if reading my thoughts, Edward kissed my hair and weaved his fingers through mine. "I wish we could stay like this all day."

I hummed my agreement and let my body relax even more into him. I wanted to stay here forever, but, true to form, just as I was getting comfortable, there was a knock on the door. I looked up to see Rose smirking at us with Emmett's arm wrapped tightly around her waist. "Ugh, go away. I don't want to get up."

Rose giggled, "Bella, I woke up early so I could take the three hour drive from Seattle to Forks, and you won't even get out of bed."

I picked up my pillow and threw it in the direction of the door. Judging by Emmet's guffaws, I didn't hit my target. A slender hand with rather long nails was on my forearm yanking me from the bed. "Bella, we need to go check on that truck of yours."

I groaned and allowed Rose to pull me from the bed. When I was finally standing upright, she seemed pleased with herself. "Okay, now I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast, then we're going to head off to meet this guy who says your truck is a gonner."

I smiled sleepily at her which made her laugh. "Thanks Rose. I'll meet you downstairs."

She nodded and headed toward the door, pulling Emmett along with her. I turned back to the bed to see Edward burying his face in a pillow. "Oh no you don't. If they're making me get up, you're getting up too."

He groaned into the pillow. "Bella, it's your truck. Do I really need to be there?"

I grabbed his hand and began to pull. "Of course you need to be there. I need both you and Jake there so I can rub it in your faces when Rosalie fixes it."

He pulled me down onto the bed using the hand that I was tugging on. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly to him. "I don't wanna go," he whined.

I let my hand trail up his sides to his ribs. When I reached my destination, I let my fingers ghost over his skin. His arms tightened in an attempt to clamp down my arms, but I didn't give up. I continued to move my fingers along the skin over his ribs until he couldn't hold in the laughter any longer.

"Be-hella. Pa-haleez. Sto-hop." He tried desperately to get some air, but I was determined to win this.

I repositioned myself so that I was straddling him and he was flailing beneath me, begging for mercy. "Do you promise to get out of bed, and come with me to check on my truck?"

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