Nico Hischier (New Jersey Devils)

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"Nicccooooo!" You scream, nearly dropping your glass of water onto the cold tile floor in your hotel bathroom.

"What?" The NHL player screams back while slowly making his way up from the couch.

"S-Sp-Spider!" You stumble over your words making Hischier howl with laughter.

"Oh, come on, (Y/N). It's just a little spider, nothing to be afraid of-." He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the spider that is the size of a hockey puck.

"What are you waiting for? Kill it!" You quietly scream to your boyfriend who is still gawking at the creature living on the bathroom wall.

"Huh?" He exaggerates his words wide eyes pointing at himself in disbelief that you actually expect him to get within two feet of the beast.

"Did I stutter?" You retort with an unbelieving look plastered onto your face. A few seconds of silence lets you know that Nico is serious. "Screw it, I'm texting Taylor."

"N-No, I'm a grown man, I can kill a little spider, no problem." He stumbled over his words and you drop your phone that you were going to use to call for backup to your side.

"Mhm." You mumble with your arms crossed, watching your boyfriend sprint across the carpeted floor and leap over your shared bed to rummage through his suitcase.

After finding what he was looking for, Nico returned to your side with a devilish smirk appearing on his lips. Noticing the lengthy hockey stick in his hands, he waves you away.

Taking a stride in the direction of the mini-bar outside of the bathroom, you wait for your boyfriend to put an end to the spider.

Seconds seemed to turn into minutes of Nico holding a battle stance while getting ready to lunge at the monstrous pest when you finally cut in.

"Why don't we just switch rooms." You suggest and sigh at him.

"Good idea." He replies while lowering the hockey stick to his side and hanging his head in defeat.

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