Chapter 19 Never have I ever

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"Brandon!" Ashley exclaims surprised then gives me a weird look, I role my eyes, I know Ashely I too am wondering what he is doing here.

"Hello Ashley" Brandon says and she gives him a quick hug.

"Wha-How are you?" she asks. Smooth Ashley, I shake my head and go to the kitchen to grab some snacks. Guess they're both staying. Which is good, gives me some time to figure out what I am going to tell Ashley about Harry. He's my professor, he's our professor, I ran into him once, before school, but not like that, no no more like well I ran into him and then we hung out but casually because I was hurt and oh my gosh!

I need to get my story straight. I head back to them and they both get awkwardly quiet. "Whats going on?"

"Nothing." they both say, okay.

"Here." I say placing some snacks on the table. I throw myself on the couch exhaustedly. They both sit on opposite ends. We turn on the tv and search for a movie. I just sit there in between them quietly.

The tension in this room is killing me, what is going on between the two on them! What is going between Brandon and I? I need to let Ashley know that nothing is going on between Harry and I.

I can't take this anymore I get up and face both of them "Okay what the hell is going on? why are you two being so weird?"

They both turn their heads to look at each other then back to me.

"Elaine." they both say and look at each other again. Then someone knocks at the door.

"Is that Sam?" I ask Brandon walking to the door. He looks at his watch then to me "Uhh no it shouldn't be."

I peep through the window. Its Eggsy, why is he back? "Eggsy?" I question opening the door.

"Hey love, I brought some snacks and drinks, thought since you had company, you would need these."

I smile and invite him in. "Guys" they both look up "This is Egssy, Eggsy this is Ashley and Brandon."

"Lovely to meet you." he smiles then sits.

"So what game should we play?"

"Game?" I questions, then Ashely catches on. "YES! Game, drinking game!" Brandon looks so uncomfortable. I have never seen him like this normally he is the wild and confident one.

"Okay game."

"Great" Eggsy smiles determined. "Simple, basic one. Never have I ever."

I get up and grab four shot glasses from the pantry. "here."

"Perfect." Eggsy smiles up at me. We are all seated on the carpet around my little table. Eggsy fills each glass. "Should we all take a shot before we start?" I nod, Ashley of course agrees and Brandon stares at his glass. "Alright, on three" Eggsy says. "One, two, three."

"Yuck!" I feel the liquid burn down my throat. Eggsy laughs "So who wants to go first?" Ashley being the most excited squeals and shoots her hand up. Eggsy tilts his glass towards her signaling her to ask the question.

"Never have I ever kissed someone." I groan, of course Ashley would say something that we have all done. "Really? Obviously we have all kissed someone." Ashley winks at me "Thats the point." and we take our shots.

Ugh I'm no good at this game, I have no idea what to ask. "Okay." I pause, and look at Ashley with a smirk "Never have I ever faked fainting to get out of something." Ashley roles her eyes then laughs as she takes the shot. "Next." she says clearing her throat.

"Never have I ever, stole something expensive." Eggsy says, they all drink except me, I haven't stolen anything.

Brandons turn, "Never have I everrr, stalked my crushes social media." Once again they all drink. Then they turn to face me. "What?" I put my hands up in defense, I just crated social media, not enough time for me to develop and crush and stalk someone. Brandon lifts his eyebrow in question, "Besides I have Sam." I quickly state. They take their shots.

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