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V0t3 & C0MM3NT❤️✌️ I'm publishing this one, might be a while till I make another one so keep commenting and motivating me. This one's long.

I woke up inn a unfamiliar room. The smell around me was very manly. I start to panick quick to realise that I'm just in Ryan's room. I tried lifting myself up but saw that I was being held down by a sleepy Ryan.

Yesterday after we kissed we decided to head over to his house and continue what we were doing and you can already guess what made me end me up in his bed.

I slowly lifted Ryan's arm from my chest and picked up my clothes which laid all over his room. I quickly changed and left to go to my house since I had a couple of minutes to shower and change outfits for school.

I tied my hair in a messy bun and wore my thrasher hoodie with my black shorts to match with, I could barely walk but I couldn't miss school as I've done so to much lately.

Since my mother wasn't  here I decided to walk. On my own because Benji told me not to speak to Ashley. Speaking of Benji I do feel bad for cheating on him with Ryan however what happened between us felt right In a way, and I don't think it will be spoken about ever again due to this happening the last time we kissed.

I walked down the path that leads to school and just saw Ashley's door being opened. I sped walked across the road behind a few cars hoping Ashley didn't see me. Unfortunately she did and walked close next to me.
I put in my AirPods so she'd understand that I'm not in the mood to talk.

Not to long after I felt my music stop and a rush of pain on my elbow. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I screamed realising she just pinched me and took of my AirPods. " I just wanted to tell you that Benji is a creep and a cheater" Ashley said. " why the fuck should I believe you" I said snatching my AirPods back from her hand."You don't, I'm just telling you for your own good" she said as she walked away towards our school.

I entered the school hall to see the boys at their original spot. However Ashley was all over Benji which made me really uncomfortable so I decided to walk over to them. "Hey Benji" I said completely ignoring Ashley and touching Benji all over.

"Hey, you good?" He said. "Yeah But you didn't call me like you said you would" I moaned. "I did, in fact I called you several times and you didn't pick up" he said In confusion. Just as he said that I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Ryan over towering me as he's six feet tall . "Yeah?" I asked him. "Can I speak to you?" He replied, I looked back at Benji for an answer to find him not listening at all and back to the conversation with Ashley.

I scoffed and dragged Ryan's arm into the closest janitor closet then locked it. I could see Ryan's face frown in the dim late that was placed above us. "What's wrong cece?" He said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Benji, he's allowing Ashley to be all over him and he doesn't seem bothered at all" I said. "Why should you care look what we did yesterday" he said smirking lightly. " I know but I still love Benji" I replied.

Ryan's jaw clenched indicating that he's mad. "I'm sorry, did anything we do yesterday not mean nothing to you?" He said his voice seeming louder making me flinch a little. "It did, a lot." I said looking down. "Speaking of yesterday I'm sorry but we can't ever tell Benji" I continued.

"Too late" Ryan said. "What do you mean too late" I replied as my anxiety levels began to increase. "I'm very much in love with you, not because of yesterday but I've been in love with you ever since" he said stepping closer to me.

I backed up with each word he said until I finally hit a wall. "That doesn't back up the fact that you told Benji, are you crazy" I said pushing him off me which didn't do much. "I didn't tell Benji but I wanna go public about us" he said.

I sighed in relief to Benji not knowing. "I can't go public with you I'm sor-" I said to him being cut off by moans leaving my mouth. Ryan was kissing my neck, leaving marks behind for sure.

"Stop please" I said lightly as it was getting to heated and I'm pretty sure the bell had already rang long time ago. "Ok, we won't go public but you'll have to do everything I say" he said. "Great I need to go" I said reassuring him, collecting my bag and leaving to go to my class.

Luckily Ryan is older than me meaning that he has a completely different set of classes to me and Benji so no one would notice we were gone together for so long.

I walked into class being met with all eyes on me including Benji and Ashley. "Why are you late miss Smith?" The teacher asked me. I looked around and everyone was still staring at me. "I was, um. Using the bathroom" I said as I stuttered. Which was obviously believable as the teacher let me off with a warning.

I slowly walked to the back of the room where one seat was available next to a girl I knew who did YouTube called Mia. "Hey" she said slightly laughing at me. "What?" I said grinning back at her. She pointed at her neck in response which then I gave her a confused look with.

"Your neck you have a hickey" she said muffling her laugh with her hand. "Holy shi-" I said placing my hand on my neck before being cut of by the teacher. " Kelsey just because I let you off on a warning doesn't mean I won't give you detention and Mia I moved you to the back for a reason don't let me escalate it" she said sternly.

Mia bursted out into fits of laugher which the teacher responded with "principal's office now" which Mia obliged to and stood up. This caused me to laugh back intensely. "Kelsey you can join her too" which I then took my bag and walked off along side Mia.

When the teacher wasn't looking she stuck her middle finger up at her which caused the class to laugh. She confidently walked out of the class with me walking closely behind her. I think I may have found my new best friend.

V0t3 & C0MM3NT❤️✌️
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