chapter 25

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This chapter is on third person point of view.


He happily got down from bed to take his shower. He had been waiting for the day to break. He was so eager to meet the love of his life, Lucy. Unknown to him of what is to come. He quickly brush his teeth, took his bath and later came out fully showered with a towel wrapped around his waist.

He wore his best clothes just to look presentable. He finally walk out of the room to the dinning table to have his break fast. He happily greet his mom with a kiss on her cheek, he repeated same with his sister Emilia. His father had already left for work. He took his seat opposite to his mother and serve himself.

" why is my son so happy today? " his mother asked with a smile. His sister already aware of this happiness of his said " Mom, he is eager to see Lucy. Don't you see how radiant he looks" . Ivan threw her his best angry glared and said " shut up"

Mom too knew that what Emilia said was true so she let it slide she doesn't want to prop prop too much, she knew what his last relationship made him like. He became so distance , but she is happy that he found someone else and she herself is so eager to meet this queen of her son's heart. Her son had never been so happy like this before the excursion . Which means, this excursion did magic to her son and whatever magic it was she was happy.

Ivan ate his food in hurry. He remembered that there is one last thing he hasn't arrange for his date. He hasn't paid the duo who are going to sing a romantic song to them while having a date. He is going to pick Lucy at her house around 6:00 in the evening for their date. He wants to make their date magical.

After having his breakfast, he bid his mum and Emilia goodbye.Today being Friday, is a free day, school decided to give them one week break and the next week they will be back to school. He drove off to his destination.



She look so hard at her wardrobe, she wants to wear the best dress for her date. Abby is also by her side as they inspect her wardrobe for the most fitted dress ever. She look confuse on what dress she is to choose. The first one she pick looks so low to her. The second one look so tight and the third one she said she doesn't like how the colour was to bright. Abby felt like giving her a sound slap right now, to Abby all the dress are so beautiful. She knew that her friend was having cold feet for this outing.

Abby decided to give her a wake up call. She better come out of that cold feet she is having .,-abby thought.

" look Lucy, Ivan likes you the way you are. It doesn't matter if you wear the most expensive and beautiful dress, that guy love you for who you are. Don't let stupid thoughts change your mind from going to this date. " Lucy sigh from where she was sitting on the bed. Lately she has been having this thought that she and Ivan are moving too fast. She kept question herself if she is ready to stick with Ivan to the end.

She won't be able to take it if Ivan cheat on her. She can be wild when what she love most is being tampered with. She will definitely pull off that girl's head who dares to take her man away from her. He is only Her's - she thought.

Abby looked at her friend, she was deep in her own world. Abby slightly shake her head at her friend. She decided to bring her back to the world of the living.

" hey lucy" she wave her hand close to Lucy's face. Lucy blink before coming back to her senses. " what? " she asked Abby. Abby tsked at her

" why do you think too much, leave everything to work out it self don't think too much about it. " Abby calmly said, Lucy gave her a small laugh and said " I can't believe you're the one giving me this advice when we all know I'm the wiser one among this crew of ours" Lucy teased. Laila wasn't able to come coz she and her family went to visit her grandmother. She apologized for not coming and wished to be here with them .

" hey, I'm wise too" said Abby with a pout.

" I know right" Lucy teased

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Lucy went to open it . She meet an annoyed Linda by the door with a new dress in hand. Lucy had even forgotten that their was someone like Linda living with them, the both of them avoid each other.

Lucy gave her a questioning look to why she knock at her door coz last she check they weren't on speaking terms

"Don't look at me like that " Linda annoyingly said "I also don't wanna be here standing by your door but what can I do. Take this clothes, aunty said I should give it to you for your so called date. Something important came up at the office so she had to go " Linda finish with a rolled eyes.

Lucy was so happy that her mom surprised her with a dress upon she has many of them in her wardrobe. She love the dress already from looking at it. She quickly took the dress from Linda and close the door at her face. Rude of her but she doesn't care.

" who was that? " Abby asked as Lucy came in. " it was Linda, mom told her to give this to me" she showed Abby the beautiful pink dress and Abby squealed at how beautiful it look. Wow, it so beautiful she said.

Lucy agreed with her on that, the dress is really beautiful.

The two girls kept admiring the dress unknown to them that ,time was going. At last one of them came back to their senses and that person was Abby. She told Lucy to go take a bath not that she hasn't showered in the morning. But just to look and feel good.

She came out of shower and Abby the makeup artist, began to work on her face, she also style her hair in a nice way. Lastly, she told Lucy to wear the dress. 'Wow'was the only word Abby could utter when Lucy wore the dress. She looks magnificent . She is sure that Ivan wouldn't be able to take his eyes off Lucy. She is 100% sure of that.

" how do I look" Lucy asked a wide mouth Abby. Lucy look nervous if the dress fitted her or not.

" girl, you look good" Abby finally said " I look so pretty in that dress that I wish I was the one"

Lucy phone buzzed from where she kept it, she quickly walked to pick it up. It was Ivan. She smiled at text.

" who was it?"Abby ask a smiling Lucy. " what does the text says? "

"He will be here in a minutes" and with that the sound of the door bell was heard. The two girls still

" he is here" they squealed out together. Lucy quickly put on her 5 inch heels and check herself on the full mirror for the last time.

The two girls came out of the room. They walk down stairs to open the door only to find the door already opened but no one was in the living room. They checked outside only to find Linda and Ivan kissing. In actual sense, Linda was the one doing the kissing but Lucy doesn't want to know that. All she knows was that she caught them kissing,regardless of who started it.

Lucy gasped out loud and Abby shouted" what is going on here? " . Ivan quickly pushed Linda back. He look confused and so many other things.

" I can't believe you could cheat on me with my cousin of all people " Lucy screamed out at him

" I can explain, love please listen to me" he went forward to hold her but she slap him at the face.

" don't touch me, I don't wanna see your face ever again" she said through gritted teeth, she turn to Linda only to find her already smirking at her.

" you'll regret ever doing this to me , I promise you that" Lucy told the two and went back inside with Abby trailing behind her. Abby made sure to eye the two before going in side to console her friend .

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