A Scream from the Sea

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I felt her pain, her desperation, her fear, her urgency. All her emotions had taken hold of me, taken me as their prisoner, and suddenly I was no longer myself, but a fleeting reflection of her. I saw myself in the sea, swimming with an animal tail instead of legs, fleeing from a beast, a giant octopus I tried to leave behind, but that persecuted me hungry.

In a desperate outburst, seeing that I finally managed to gain distance, the beast began to throw rocks at me, until one hit me in the back, shattering my bones.

As soon as she parted her lips from mine, exhaling her last breath, I felt her leave not to return. Her skeletal body was lifeless in my hands, and my lungs burned. I felt my chest on fire, as if breathing flares directly from the sun. My ribs shook and my throat was about to explode. Desperate, I let out the scream.

The sound pierced the air like a dagger, a shrill scream that no human could emit, waving the waves and shuddering the firmament. The sea shook enraged, as if thirsty for blood, and I saw with horror how the waters rose. When the inhuman scream left my throat and I regained control of myself, I saw that the beast that had chased her came to the surface, to be intercepted for more like her.

As I could, I took her from that place. The sea became more agitated with every second that passed. I needed a safe place, and I wasn't going to leave her there after what had happened to her. Later I would ask her kind why her cry had come from me.

A Scream from the Sea / Grito desde el MarWhere stories live. Discover now