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y/n's pov:
"im sorry if it made you uncomfortable that i called landon baby, i just got caught in the moment" i told grayson as he handed me coffee; "no it's okay y/n you can call him what you want" he said as i smiled

"he wouldn't stop talking about you all morning and last night; you didn't leave my mind one second, i don't think his either" he said as i felt my face heat up slowly

i smiled, "i'm glad" i told him as he nodded taking a sip from his coffee, his eyes met mine as i felt him look into my soul, his eyes were intimidating, i felt my underwear dampen.

i cleared my throat as he looked at landon; he was watching tv a couple steps away from us, "so uh landon's mom passed away when he was one, i never really had anyone take care of landon as i never trusted anyone" grayson started

was it bad that i felt happy that grayson didn't have a special someone ?

"and well yesterday seeing how he was so happy around you it made me feel relieved i guess, that he found someone that makes him happy not just me, and well i want you to be his new nanny" he told me as i nodded looking at the sweet boy in front of us

"i'll pay you $300 a day and you'll work monday through saturday, if that's okay" he asked me, my eyes widened, $300 a day for taking care of a innocent boy ?

"do you go to school?" he asked me; "uh no well i'm homeschooled" i nodded as he raised a brow, "ah i see, i also wondered if you can start at 7am and leave at 7pm when i come back from work" he said as i nodded

"i'll be here sometimes in the week but i just really need someone to take care of him while i work at my office" he told me, "yes of course" i said as he gave me a small smile

"when can is start" i asked him as he looked at my face, "tomorrow?" he asked as i nodded, "okay" i said as he smiled, "i know you're 18 and i don't want you to have the responsibility of having a baby to take care of, but if it ever comes too overwhelming just tell me okay" grayson said

"it's okay don't worry about it, i love kids" i told him, "and i like people who love kids" he smirked at me, i felt my insides flutter as i gave him a smile, "landon" grayson called

"yes daddy" landon said quickly as his small hands appeared on the couch as he pulled himself up to look at us, his small greenish brown eyes met mine as he blushed looking at grayson

"y/n will be your new nanny okay" grayson said, "yay yay i wove y/n" landon said as my heart skipped a beat, "i like her too, but you have to be good for her okay, while i work you listen to her" grayson told him

didn't he care that i was 18 ??

i shook it off my head as i stood up and walked to landon; i sat next to him as he sat down as well, "can we watch sponge bob" he whispered adorably, "yes" i told him as he smiled putting the cartoon on

he laid back a little as his small hand met mine; there he held it for the rest of the day until i had to leave

is landon seeing y/n as a mom now ??

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