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y/n's pov:
my alarm rang loudly at 6am as i shot up, i turned off my alarm as i sighed, first day of work, my eyes fluttered open as i walked to the bathroom quite loopy

i took a shower and brushed my teeth as i got ready for my day, i grabbed my phone as i headed downstairs; "hey mom good morning; i'll be back by 7pm okay" i told her, "okay honey. be safe and have fun" she told me as i nodded

i gave her a kiss as i headed out the door, i walked to his house as the beautiful birds chirped loudly, i arrived as i knocked a couple times, a shirtless grayson opened the door, my eyes wandered to his fit body as i tried not to look

but i couldn't he was just so.. so ugh, i drooled over his body as he cleared his throat, "h-hey g-grayson" i told him, he chuckled, "good morning y/n" he smiled letting me in

i felt my cheeks heat up as i walked inside, "landon is still sleeping thank god but he'll be up in a bit" he told me as i nodded, "have you ate?" i asked him, "uh no i'll catch something on my way to work" he told me

"what time do you leave?" i asked him, "in an hour" he sighed as i nodded, "do you want banana pancakes? i don't want you leaving on a empty stomach" i offered, "no. no y/n you aren't supposed to take care of me you're here for landon i can get my own breakfast" he smiled at me

"it's okay boss i'm supposed to take care of babies right" i smirked, "boss?" he raised a brow while he sarcastically laughed, "yes you're my boss and i must have respect for you" i told him, he shook his head as he laughed

"you have respect for me if you call me by my real name, or daddy" he whispered the last part as i gasped slowly, "um okay" i smirked catching the hang of it, "so banana pancakes daddy?" i asked, he took in a breath as he closed his eyes,"are you sure" he asked

"grayson come on" i told him as i raised a brow, "okay okay" he said as he walked to me, "i'll take them because they are made by you" he said as i smiled, "here let me show you around first" he told me as i nodded

he showed me all his rooms and bathrooms, let my just tell you they were gorgeous, we walked back to the kitchen as he gave me the ingredients, "thank you y/n" he said as i shook my head

"my pleasure" i said as i started to do the mix, i would look up every once and then and grayson would be staring at me, i would give him a small smile as he smirked at me

i finished cooking graysons round pancakes as i put some fruit on the side topped with some syrup, "here you go" i grinned, "thank you y/n" he said as i nodded smiling

i started to do landon's pancakes, i made some hearts and some happy faces just to make his morning, after i finished i saw landon in the hall, "hey bubba! good morning" i smiled at him as he ran to my arms, "hey y/n" he said

"ready for breakfast" i asked as i tickled his sides, he laughed as grayson looked over to us, "y-yes now s-stop" he laughed as i smiled stopping, "okay here are your pancakes" i told him as he smiled

"tanks" he whispered as i nodded, he observed the pancakes as he giggled, "this one looks like daddy" he said as he pointed to the weird happy face i kinda messed up on

"hey!" grayson told him as he tickled his sides, "haha s-sorry daddy" he laughed as grayson smiled widely, my heart warmed for them as i smiled. graysons eyes met mine as i felt time stop, it was an amazing feeling of only him and i; i looked at landon as he smiled looking away

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