Dental Checkup

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Kiki's POV

"Ashy does that mean i am first" i ask whimpering "I know you don't wanna see the dentist honey but its required for daycare" Ash said sympathetically kissing my forehead. i immediately started letting out loud cries as Ash sat me down in the dentist chair. "A-ashy" i whimper "I know princess" he says sympathetically as he grabbed my hands and held them in his own squeezing them gently "Ok sweet pea can you open wide like an alligator?" Liam asked i whined scaredly but opened "Ok princess you have two cavities and a tooth that needs to be pulled Ash wanna do it another day?" Liam asks and Ash shook his head "i would rather get it done now and have it done and over with" Ash said sympathetically holding me down. Niall held my mouth open as Liam poked the three numbing shots in making me scream loudly he quickly finished everything and let me go and i clung onto Ash Bawling my eyes out "i'm sorry honey bun" Liam said softly kissing my nose making me squeal and giggle "It ok LiLi" i say hugging his neck and fell asleep with my face nuzzled softly in his neck

~skip the others for now~

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