Kiki's Flu shot

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Ash: Daddy

Luke: Dada

Mikey: Uncle

Kiki: 2 years old

Kiki's POV

"NO I DON'T WANT A SHOT" I scream through my cries "Shhh shhh baby girl your gonna be ok i promise" Daddy Ash and Dada Lukey said both kissing my head. I screamed as I was held down Ashy held my arms, Mikey held my waist and Lukey pulled my leggings down making me kick "Shh baby" he soothed rubbing by legs to calm me down I stopped screaming and was softly whining. "Daddy Pwease don't wet him hurt mwe" I whimpered out "Aww princess i know it will be just feel like a quick mosquito bite and it will be all done then we will take you and your sisters to a toy store" he said making me nod happily. I felt a cold thing rub onto my led making me immediately start to cry in fear "Ok sweet girl quick poke in 1...2....3... Pinch" Dada counted then poked it in making me scream and cry even harder it hurt a lot more than i was expecting he put a band-aid on and pulled my leggings up then picked me up. "Dada" I sob into his shoulder. "Oh baby im sorry honey i didn't mean to hurt you" he said and kissed my nose calming me down and i cuddled into him and started to fall asleep. i felt him kiss my forehead and then lay me down in the travel pan and play 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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