Incomplete Healing

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With my body still slightly sore and my ribs protesting in agony, I ran after Aiden. The last thing that needed to happen was for him to bathe in on my parent's at this hour... For any hour to be exact.

I understood his anger toward me and this full situation and I didn't blame him but right now my mind is still unstable and this could set me back. It took a lot for me to admit my wrong doings to him and inform him that he was almost a father. I must say that I half suspected that he'd blow a fuse but it hurt nonetheless, especially after he claimed there was nothing that I could do to make him mad at me.... Well I guess lying to him about his baby wasn't highlighted on that list.

Running through the Den after him, I eventually caught up and grabbed his arm. "Aiden stop and think this through. You can't do this."

Jerking his arm away from me sharply he continued his fast pace as he spoke. "I can and I will. I've had enough of the Harper's and their vice like grip. This is the murder of my child we are discussing and sorry but I'm just not going to step aside and let them handle it".

gripping his arm again trying to persuade him to stop I said. "I understand but at least wait until the morning. Don't just bust in while they are sleeping. It won't end well".

Jerking away yet again he forged on. "You're right, it won't end well... For them that is".

No amount of pleading or trying to gender his speed walk worked. I was nearly out of breath from trying to keep up with him and convince him to wait that by the time we reached my parent's door I could only hope for a miracle. Aiden proceeded to pound on the door with his fist that I swore it would splinter. It wasn't long before the door swung open and we was met by my Pape's angry glare. "The fucks going on here?" He growled

Aiden pushed his way into my home and spat. "You're a family full of liars. I'm here to inform you that as of now my men will be taking over the search for Finn. I demand all information on him be turned over immediately" .

"You're not demanding shit or taking over anything. In fact you are to leave these premises at once" . My Pape growled.

Aiden released a sadistic little laugh. "And there is where you are wrong Butini. This is the murder of my child and I will find that bastard even if I have to kill anyone who stands in my way".

My mom placed her hand on her chest and moaned. "Oh Jesus help us". Then rushed to my Pape's side.

My Pape looked from me to Aiden. "The fuck you just say? Mizery is this true? Was the baby not Finns?"

" Yes, Pape. I'm sorry". I barely mumbled.

But it didn't matter. Aiden more than made up for my lack of speech. "That's right Butini. Your baby girl was carrying a Marietta child. My child."

" Is this true Mizery? " my pape asked again in disbelief.

I could see the betrayal shining throne my Pape's eyes and I knew he was highly disappointed in me. "Yes. It's true. The baby was Aidens but he was a part of me and you too Pape". I pleaded.

" Dont stop there Mizery". Aiden bellowed. "Tell him how you was planning on entrapping Finn into believing it was his as well as everyone else. Tell him all about your little deceitful ways".

" why are you doing this Aiden? " I insisted.

"Because I'm sick of it. Here we are talking about the murder of my child, your child, his grandchild and all anyone cares about is that it was a Marietta. Your pop is more enraged that I popped your cherry than the murder of his grandchild and the abuse of his daughter. And here you are constantly defending him, defending your family, hiding your feelings for me because of what they may think. Tell them Mizery. Tell them how you feel. Tell them that you don't give a fuck about what they think".

I remained quiet not knowing what to do. "Just as I suspected, you can't do it. To hell with you".

" Aiden you're not being fair. You're asking me to choose between my family and you and right now I can't cope with this".

"I never asked you to choose. I asked you to defend me for once to them".

I could feel the voices growing louder and my walls closing in. Closing my eye's I tried to refocus but before I could I heard a scuffle. Opening my eye's I witnessed my Pape attack Aiden. Instantly the two men locked up and I knew each were equally strong but my pape did hold the advantage over Aiden due to his crazy side. My mom tried her best to separate the two but all attempts were futile. "There's something you should know fucker". My Pape growled.

" I thrive off of pain. I fucking love it. Come on, keep hitting me, feed the beast".

My mom looked at me with worry. "Run Mizery, get help now".

My feet moved like the wind as I ran down the hall pounding on everyone's door. As they opened up I ran back to my apartment screaming. "Come quick. Pape's going to kill him".

As I ran back in Aiden was lying flat on his back as my Pape held him down by placing his foot on his throat. "Pape no". I screamed but he had his surroundings tuned out.

Demarco was the first to enter and tackle my Pape to the floor. "You can't kill someone without me numb nut".

" Get off me Dem. It was his baby".

"Oh, then by all means have at him". Demarco said letting go.

Thankfully the other's piled in and got both Harper men under control. I watched on as Aiden was also held down to keep from charging my Pape. With my mind spinning I knew nothing would ever be the same again. I knew that Aiden would never want me and I knew my family would never view me the same. Slowly amongst the turmoil in the room I backed out unnoticed. I knew exactly where I needed to go, what I had to do. Stopping by the Den, I removed my trackers and strapped up with an array of weapons. Once in my car I phoned Finn in hopes he would answer... And he did with sarcasm. "Awww... Did you miss me?"

" As much as a toothache. Meet me by the docks in thirty minutes. I'm arriving alone and my trackers are removed. We are going to continue this fight one on one. If you lose I kill you".

"And if I win?" He asked smugly .

"You will have your queen along with the title but I much prefer if you chose to kill me. The choice is yours".

" King Finn. That does have a nice ring to it. I'll be there my queen".

Disconnecting I pulled the car over. Taking my knife I sliced the cast from my arm. Yes it still hurt but I needed every advantage I could get and the cast only hendered me. Pulling back off I soon arrived at the docks. Cutting my car off I stepped out and walked to the center of the area. A warehouse stood to my left and the inky water to my right. Smiling I called out into the darkness. "Come out Finn. We have a date".

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