All For Nothing

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My eye's opened up to a bare muscular chest and the feel of strong arm's holding me. Tilting my chin up, I looked into the most perfect sleeping face I'd ever seen. Not able to resist, I trailed kisses along Aidens jaw bone moving toward the hollow of his neck. A low rumble sounded from deep in his chest as his arms drew me closer. A heavy want begin to stir within me and I moved my lips down lower to his chest. My tongue flickered over his nipple and suddenly I was flipped over onto my back with Aiden on top of me.

"Good morning my wildflower" . He said in a sexy sleep voice and entered me.

Afterwards we laid there for a bit longer before taking a shower together. When we were dressed a full breakfast awaited us on the balcony off of his room. As I munched on some fresh fruit, I looked out across the land. The immediate surroundings inside the gate was beautiful and green. Desert flowers and plants sprinkled the area professionally as lush grass carpeted the lawn but looking beyond the gated home gave a very different view. Golden sand was as far as the eye could see. Cacti and other thorny bushes stood in various spots. Sweat bristled on my brow as the heat here was nearly smothering. This was definitely a far cry from the hustle and bustle of New York. However it was beautiful in it's own way. Aiden noticed my sweat and chuckled. "City girl can't take the heat?"

" it's definitely not like the crisp air back home". I replied and thought about my family and my Pape's threat.

"My Pape didn't taking me leaving to be with you very well. In fact he told me I could never return and stripped me of everything."

Anger filled Aiden's eye's. "I'll speak to him".

" No. No, it's best to let him cool off first. Hopefully mom will be able to talk to him".

"Miz, it's my job to take care of you now in all area's. I don't want you unhappy because of your family. It may take some time but I'll fix it".

Giving off a small smile, I knew Aiden was only trying to help. We finished up breakfast talking about everything but our current issue's. I guess we both didn't want to muddle our new beginning with negativity. Eventually though it happened. We had just finished our dinner that evening and was sitting out by the pool taking in the stary sky and cooler temps when Aiden dropped a devastating bomb. "You know who the masked people are now?"

" Yes". I replied still lying back in the the lounge chair.

"You are right Mizery. I do have connections with them" .

At this point I sat up and looked at him eager to hear this.

"There's a lot going on in the underground world, thing's your family knows nothing about. We wouldn't even know had they not came to us. Our families are the two strongest families in the state's and it seems other smaller organizations are tired of it. They want a piece of the gold too. Many of these organizations are working together trying to bring us both down. They consist of smaller mafia famlies, gangs, organized crime and such. Normally they couldn't harm us but banned together as one... Well that's a strong force to contend with. The masked one's are keeping a close eye on their activities and devising a plan. Part of their plan is for our families to merge as one. With our men working together and doubling in numbers we would be damn near unstoppable. I'm talking about domination. However we would still keep our own clients and pretty much follow the same code of respect as we do now. It's having the three most powerful names in the country stand  together that will put fear into them and possibly make the fall back and if not, well we would be strong enough to handle it. Basically if we don't merge the result would be crumbling and mostly like none of us would survive. I'm most certain all the men would be killed in the most horrific ways and what women did survive... Well I'd hate to know what they would do to them, especially the one's with the queen title's. In order to make the merge of the families seem real there must be a marriage, a union of sorts. The masked one's want us to marry, you and I and bring the families together. They had me set my sights on you to accomplish just that".

Swishing my hands in the air, I stopped him from speaking. "Okay, okay. I understand what's going on and why they want the family to merge but why would you agree to that, to marry me? Tell me that's not why you're with me? Tell me that's not why he acted so interested in me Aiden?"

Aiden rushed over to me. "Absolutely not Mizery. I love you and it has nothing to do with their plans. In fact I told them  I wouldn't try to make you fall for me any longer. That if you wanted me it would be in your own terms".

" tell me Aiden, how long have you known about these plans? "

"A little over a year but that doesn't matter".

" Like hell it doesn't ". I hissed and pushed him away from me.

" that was about the time you started making extreme contact with me. Our relationship is a lie. You didn't want me, you never did. It was all about power and being a strong Empire. I was just an asset to you. All of you mafia men are alike. Family and business first and screw whoever you hurt".

"No Mizery you are wrong. I've crushed on you since I was a young boy but never acted on it because you was a Harper, I a Marietta. This plan gave me the opportunity to get close to you and I knew the masked one's had my back, that it would be okay. Fuck, I fell in love with you that night you kicked my ass in that elevator. It has nothing to do with the plan".

Standing, I shook my head in disgust. "I can't believe anything that comes out of your mouth anymore Aiden. We are nothing but a lie. I should've known better, no but has ever showed an interest in me then you came along. I should've known something was up".

Aiden ran to me and gripped my upper arm's. "No. That's so far from the truth. I love everything about you. I didn't do this just to merge the families, I did it because I secretly wanted you".

" No. If you lived me as you claim you would've never kept this from me. You would have came clean sooner".

Then another thought struck me and I placed my hand over my mouth as a strange heave broke from my lips. Suddenly water was trickling down my cheeks and it took me a moment to realize that I, for the first time was crying. So much pain was bubbling up inside me and my dam finally broke. Through sobs I cried. "My baby. Tell me my baby wasn't a part of this bullshit plan? What, was you supposed to knock me up and seal the deal. Fuck, I gave myself to you. I opened up to you like I've never done with anyone else" .

I hesitated to catch my breath and swipe the tears from my eye's. "I fucking threw my family away to be with you. I gave up everything for you and all along I was just a plan, a fucking investment" .

Aiden tried to hug me but I shoved him away forcefully. "Mizery I swear it's not like that".

Quickly I swiped his gun from his waist ban and aimed it at him. "I'm leaving now and if you try to stop me I will plant a bullet into your black heart".

Backing out slowly, I grabbed my unpacked bag and ran out. Ordering his driver by gunpoint to drive me to the airport, I couldn't contain my hurt or stop the flood that poured from me eye's. Once there I took my phone out and called my Pape. It took him some time to answer but he finally did. Before he could say hello I bursted out." You was right Pape . I should've listened. I'm so sorry. I want to come home".

There was a moment of silence and then I heard the most heartbreaking word's I'd ever heard. "You're no longer welcomed here". Then the line went dead.

I sank to the floor in despair while my tears comforted me.

Hello reader's!

Wow, that was some shit right there?!?!

Discussion time!!

Was Aiden in the wrong for not telling Mizery sooner?

Did Mizery overreact just a bit or did she have the right to feel that way?

How about Cole... Can you believe he told her that?

Hmmmm.... What might happen to Mizery now? She's out in the world alone with no protection, no fund's, no nothing. Could be a dangerous situation for her.

As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

Can't wait to hear your thoughts/opinions!!

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