Enter The Game

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Adam walked into the dimly illuminated room moving his eyes back and forth to get the full scope of the layout. They had remolded since he had been there last year, competing in the same game, for the fourth time, after losing the year before and the year before that and the year before that, here he was again... competing once again in this stupid game.

Adam honestly didn't know why he kept coming back, most people stopped trying after the first time just having experienced it being enough for them. There wasn't any prize money or special prize except for a mostly worthless trophy. 

After losing his first hollow game Adam had set his goal on defeating that game and winning the championship. He would train relentlessly in VR and in real life, but one can never be truly prepared for the unexpected. There were practically endless possibilities for what a person could choose as their power and the Hollow doesn't let anyone see all the powers or character making sheets. 

Then there is the problem of the teammates, it was the thing Adam hated most about the hollow, you didn't get to choose your teammates it was picked at the role of the die. It was rigged in Adam's opinion, him always ending up with the crappy-lucked-their-way-up people or the I-don't-trust-you-so-fuck-off type. 

Completely unfair,  Adam thought as he let out a huff of annoyance. He remembered his last team, it consisted of Trent and Justin they were the classic jock dick bags you expected from people with names like Trent and Justin. 

There was this girl on the other team and she seemed pretty cool but whenever they would run into them Trent and Justin would "flirt" with her, shit like "hey girl your coconuts are ripe" or "The names Trent, that's what you'll be screaming tonight" both of which earned them a fireball to the face.  She was pretty badass and her team ended up winning. Adam hadn't approved of the others actions of course but he had no power over them, Justin had earth powers and Trent had shapeshifting, Adam had chosen mermaid/ animal speech for someone else had used it to defeat him the time before. 

Snapping back to the present Adam realized that Mr. Wodeie, the host, had finished explaining the rules and had told them to move to their seats. 

Sitting down in the chair Adam scrolled through the familiar choosing screen, he had a specific one in mind, he had never used it himself but he had seen multiple people use it in past games and in the nonimmersive version of the game its one of the most powerful skill. 

Having found it he double-clicked the power and fell into the now natural feeling of slipping into darkness and letting his memories fade without a struggle. 

With a jolt, Adam sat up in a blank white room.


Kai swallowed dryly and wiped his hands on his jeans walking down the hallway to where he would experience the Hallow, he had been looking forward to this day for weeks. After months of tournaments battles, VR and not, it all lead up to this, if he blew this, that would be it, all of it for nothing. 

Kai's breath speed up as he started to walk faster and hunched in on himself. What if he failed? What if he dies in the first half and never fully experienced it. Or what if he didn't figure out his power and looked like an idiot in front of the whole audience? Oh god, what if he does something really stupid and the audience watches him do it? Oh god, oh shit, "I can't do this" Kai mumbled out as he leaned down on the nearest wall. 

Digging in his pocket Kai grabbed his pill bottle and managed to get the cap off and shake two into the palm of her hand. Taking a couple of deep breaths Kai dry swallowed the pills and waited for them to set in. 

Several minutes later Kai pushed off the wall and let out a shaky breath before sighing and checking his watch. 

Suddenly Kai jumped and rushed off in the direction of the stage only having two minutes left until they start the game. "Shit shit shit!!" Kai yelled down the hallway as he skidded around a corner and sprinted to the door. "Come on. Come on!" Kai shouted frustrated as he pushed and pulled against the door. 

"No, no... I worked so hard to get here, I'm not giving up now" Kai whisper-shouted to himself.

Examing the door Kai pulled out his magnet fidges and used them to find witch numbers on the door would unlock it, the code was 4772 and luckily it only took a minute to find.

Kai burst through the door to find Mr. Wodeie just starting to tell the audience the rules, the room grew silent as all attention was drawn to him.

"Good of you to finally join us Kai,"  Mr. Wodeie said his head turned at an almost unnatural angle. Almost... 

"Uh... I um slept in?" Kai tried looking unconvinced himself.  Mr. Wodeie narrowed his eyes but then shrugged and continued to instruct the rules. Kai sighed and took his spot, which was... right next to Adam Maddox?!?! 

Ever since Adam had reappeared for his second hollow game he had become Kai's hero, the way he didn't give up but seemed like an alright guy from his interactions with other people on the hollow. Kai had always hoped he would win even last year when he was with those two ass hats. 

So Adam was kinda Kai's role model, and when suddenly your role model is standing right next to you people usually don't keep their cool very well. Kai had been certain he was coming no doubt, but seeing him up close in person was a whole different thing. And he was on Kai's team! how cool is that! 

After a while, Mr. Wodeie told us to sit in our corresponding chair and to choose a special power.

Kai scrolled through a couple not really knowing what he wanted or what the symbols meant when he spotted something out the corner of his eye, Adam was closing his eyes and falling back into his chair like he was dead. Kai's first thought was that he was and he was about to shout for help when the girl on his team Mira, did the same. must be how we get into the game, Kai concluded.

Picking a symbol that looked like a flame Kai double tapped it and closed his eyes. It felt like being sucked from this world and like leaving all his memories behind. he tried to fight it, to no available. One last memory floated to the front of his mind before it disappeared with the rest.

I will win this 

Soon Kai was waking up to someone violently shaking him saying "wake up! hey wake up!" he opened his eyes and was brought with the most beautiful boy ever. 


Always- C.M.W.Y.W

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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