H2OVanoss - Heat (Re)

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-Re Stands for rewritten-
Tags: OmegaVerse, Dirty Language

H2OVanoss – Heat

[3rd Person's P.O.V]

Evan's brown wolf ears twitched as he awoke from his slumber, his tail flicking back and forth as his body rose in temperature ever so slightly with each passing minute. Tyler, his beloved owner, still had not returned from work and thus left Evan alone with an upcoming heat that he was hardly prepared for.

It wasn't as if this was his first heat, but he knew that this one was going to be particularly bad. He didn't have the medication needed to keep the heat at a bearable level and, on top of that, he had no alpha to calm or mate him. He'd be in danger if he went outside to find Tyler now. Tyler, however, didn't know about Evan's status as an Omega as he always figured that all male hybrids were born as Alphas, hell, Tyler didn't know much about Evan at all. It was Tyler's first time owning one of these mysterious and somewhat rare creatures. Tyler tended to treat Evan as more of a pet though, despite Evan appearing more human than animal. Despite this, Tyler would still make an effort to at least make his pet comfortable by talking with him or comfort the male like a normal companion.

But now, home alone, and with no one to help him, Evan quickly got up from his spot on the couch and dashed for his room. He didn't want any neighboring Betas or Alphas to smell the strong maple scent he was giving off. Evan undressed himself after making a nice and cozy nest on his bed made up of various blankets and pillows he could find, and curled up into it. He would leave his favorite jacket on as well as his collar though, as, at least with the collar, he was forbidden to remove.

Slick oozed out from between the tanned male's legs as the heat began to firmly grasp him. He began to whine and pant and even occasionally moan from the overwhelming sensations that gripped his body and he craved attention. He flexed his hands, pressing his face into the cooled pillows below in an attempt to lower his body temperature.

By the time Tyler had finally come home, Evan had become a whining and fidgeting mess, sweat rolling down his body as he tried to cope with the heat. Loudly, he cried out to Tyler who then quickly bolted up the stairs with worry. When he opened the door he was both alarmed, shocked, and somewhat embarrassed by the view before him.

"Evan..? What in the fuck are you doing??" Tyler questioned, having to turn himself away from Evan, as if to give the other privacy while still giving him his full attention.

Evan glanced at Tyler, struggling to find words to respond with as they got caught in his throat and morphed into low whines or grunts.

"H..Heat..I need some..thin...to help.. An Alpha... or anything!" Evan managed to mumble out, words getting broken off by sharp breaths before he shoved his face back down into the pillows to muffle any other sounds that threatened to come out of him.

"Heat..?" Tyler mumbled to himself, now thoroughly confused, "But you're male! You shouldn't experience heat?!" The pale man scrambled to think of a solution to help before once again speaking to Evan, "H-Hold on! I'm gonna call a friend, he'll know what to do!"

With that, Tyler ran back out, closing the door behind him as he went to call his friend, Luke. Tyler was frantic with worry, believing that he might've somehow let Evan catch something. His fingers worked quickly on the phone and his foot tapped impatiently while the phone rang and rang. Finally, after the third or fourth ring someone finally picked up.

"Hello?" Responded the voice of Luke.

"Hey, uh, can you come down here please? It's urgent. My Hybrid, he... he says he's in heat and he's whining and I think I might've broken him or something by leaving him alone too long-?" Tyler responds, speaking faster than normal.

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