Chapter Eleven

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So, here they were, standing in an elevator in silence because that's what proper etiquette entails. Killua was also thinking about other things that happen in elevators at that moment. Silence, small talk, standing a good meter a part from the other person, you know, just waiting until the elevator reached your floor.

Of course, Killua wasn't blind to what other things happened in elevators, name a little bit heated sessions of make outs and grinding. He'd been bored enough to watch drama TV shows one too many times, so yes, he was well aware of the other activities.

But, it didn't matter right now, because he was in an elevator with Gon. And they were friends, nothing like that would ever happen between them.

"So, the chairman put you up on the 50th floor," Gons started.

There's the small talk

"Yep. He sad it'd be better to just put me in one of these apartments so that I didn't cause too much of an uproar," Killua supplied, continuing to stare at the doors, listening to the repetitive beep of the elevator.

"I suppose that's good. I'm pretty sure people would get extremely suspicious if there was just a new dude running around the facility... without working clothes that is,"

Only shrugging in response, Killua took the time to relax. Taking a step back, he leaned into the wall of the elevator and exhaled heavily. He was starting to feel a bit more comfortable around Gon, like he could put down his guard and trust him... but only just a bit.

"So, what did you think of everyone?"

Killua laughed at the question, covering his mouth before he looked over at Gon. "I'm sure they're going to hate me forever now."

"I mean, you did throw a knife at me," he said with a slight chuckle before rubbing the back of his neck. "But I'm sure they'll get used to you eventually. You just very..."
I raised an eyebrow before smirking, "Ruthless?"

"I was going to go with intense, but I suppose that works as well." Gon looked over at Killua with a smile, one of those really wide ones where it makes his heart kinda jump because no one has ever looked at him with so much adoration and kindness, and it makes him hurt, but so happy at the same time.

But he digressed.

"But, I'm sure they'll get used to it. You just don't care what people think of you, and it's a cool quality," Gon said to Killua who just rolled his eyes, looking straight ahead and leaning his head back onto the wall.

"Well, as much as I love being complimented — which I don't — I still think they won't be so helpful to me,"

"Maybe not in the beginning." At that moment, the doors opened up and they both righted themselves, standing up straight, then moving out of the elevator and into the hallway. "But, at some point, you might need their help. So, don't be too proud."

Again, Killua rolled his eyes, stalking in the direction of his apartment. "Great, I can't wait to get down on my knees, begging for them to help me. It'll be great."

They stopped in front of the apartment, Killua whipping out his keys, then inserting the keys into the lock and opening the door.

"I don't think that'll happen, but, to be safe, be a bit nicer to them."

They stared at each other for a few seconds. Gon had the look of sincerity on his face, a concern that made Killua's skin crawl and he didn't want to know where it was stemming from. All Killua knew was that Gon was obviously underestimating him and it was getting on his nerves. Did he not remember it was he who had kicked his ass on multiple occasions. That it was he who had had the mercy to come to the association, to not run wild anymore.

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