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I wanted to put this in one of my storys cuz it came to me semi written (I wasnt given it I just thought of it and yeah never mind) and I couldn't wait to write it so I did it in the form of a troyler one shot I hope its sad but not too sad :)

Also the italics are memories.

"And now we will here from Tylers... Boyfriend," Said the priest, spitting out the final word. Nice to know that he couldn't even hide his contempt for a dead boy. I realised everyone was was looking at me and my mouth went dry. I hated speaking in public but I had too. For Tyler. I walked up to the front of the chapel, well aware of how inappropriate my low cut skinny jeans were for the occasion.
"If I die before you," Said Tyler, throwing my skinny jeans in my face, "Which lets face it I probably will because I'm ancient, you have to wear these at my funeral."
"But Tillyyy," I whined, leaning onto him and hanging off his shoulders, "I'll be like 80 and you know I hate them."
"But your ass looks good in them," He said it like it was a reasonable explanation, "It would be one last thing for me," He fluttered his eyelashes and shot me his pouty look that I always give into. I sighed at his strangeness and rolled my eyes.
"Fine I'll wear them," He squealed with delight and kissed me. I couldn't help but laugh at his child like behaviour.

"Now I know I haven't known Tyler as long as some people here," I began, my eyes flickering over to where Korey and some other of his college friends sat, with red noses and puffy eyes, "But even if you'd only known him for a few minutes you couldn't help but love him. He always put others before himself no matter what the cost."
Tyler giving his coat to a little boy on the street when the snow was coming down.

"He could always hold a conversation with someone even if they had never even met before."
Walking down the market street in London, hand in hand, watching Tyler strike up a conversation with the stall owners and fellow shoppers.

"His personality could light up the room."
Someone making an awful joke and Tyler splitting his sides laughing, tears rolling down his rosy cheeks.

"Nothing was more important to him then his friends and family."
Tyler calling me telling me that we had to go see Connor instead of dinner because he was down.

"I've never met a kinder person then him in my life,"
Tyler holding me close to him, rubbing my back slowly as I cried into his shoulder about my rejected album.

"And I was blessed to have had him as part of my life."
Him taking my hands and looking me in the eyes and telling me he loved me.

"We all were."
His hands holding my face, bringing it closer to his for our first kiss.

"We had our whole lives to live," Tears were rolling down my face now but I forced myself to continue. Forcing myself to relive every single perfect moment I'd ever had with Tyler, the man I loved. The man who I'd never see again.
Meeting Tyler at the airport and him running into my arms, squeezing me so tightly it felt like he'd never let go.

"It wasn't his time to go," My voice finally cracked. I was surprised I had lasted this long, "He still had so much living to do. We had so much living to do."
"We're not watching frozen again, Ty!" I giggled. He pouted and pushed himself away from me.
"You're not fun, Troyeboy," He moaned, spinning around as he walked like a child, "Just once more?"
"No," I said gently, reaching out to pull him towards me but he ducked out of my arms and ran out into the road.
"Tilly be careful!" I screamed, jumping forward but it was too late. There was no frozen moment where our eyes locked, no final words from him. Just silence.

"I can't imagine a world without him," My voice barely above a whisper,
I turned my head towards him only to see his greeny blue eyss already watching me. Neither of us spoke for a bit, the silence saying all the words for us. Finally, he moved towards me and wrapped himself around me, merging us on the bed.
"Yes Troye?"
"Promise me something," He kissed my neck lightly and murmured into my ear.
"Anything for you."
"Promise me you'll never leave me."
"I promise Troye. I will always be here for you, no matter what happens we'll always be together."

"But I guess I'll have to find out."







Whoa. Sorry I just need a moment here. I'm sorry if it got confusing cuz of the italics and speech and stuff. I think that went pretty well or maybe thats just me. I wrote it in one so there will almost definitely be mistakes because this keyboard hates me. But yeah comment whether you liked it or not. Should I stick to cute fluffy stuff but I kinda like writing tragic scenes (in a non fucked up way). Leave me comments and votes please because they make me happy and this was draining so I deserve them!
Anyway ilysfm (I do do that on this right? I think so.)

Troyler one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now