Tis The Christmas Season

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*Calliope's POV*

As it turns out Irina, a member of the Denali clan, is going to the Volturi to tell them that we created an immortal child

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As it turns out Irina, a member of the Denali clan, is going to the Volturi to tell them that we created an immortal child. Alice had a vision of it three days ago. Everyone is worried about what's to come. The wolf pack agreed to help us out. We are going to be gathering witnesses. So far we have the Denali clan minus Irina. Carlisle and Esme are traveling the world to gather them along with Rosalie and Emmett. Alice and Mason left without a word. We fear that they abandoned us. They left a note warning us that the Volturi will arrive when the snow sticks to the ground.

Today Bella, Renesmee, Jacob, daddy and I are going to Charlie's for Christmas. Much to my surprise and delight, Charlie has started a romantic relationship with Sue Clearwater. I'm really happy for him. This means that Sue and her kids Seth and Leah will be joining us for Christmas. I convinced daddy to let me go shopping for Christmas gifts two days ago. I got Bella to take me yesterday to take me shopping for a Christmas gift for daddy.

When we arrive at Charlie's Renesmee runs out of the car to give Charlie a hug. He picks her up and spins her around.

"You've grown!" He says surprised.

Renesmee giggles but says nothing as she hugs Sue. As we walk into the house I smell the wonderful smell of fresh baked cookies.

"Oo cookies!" I beam sitting on the couch. "Can I have a cookie daddy?" I whisper, turning to look at daddy who sits next to me on the couch.

"Sure you can baby," daddy smiles.

Setting down my bag of gifts by the tree I walk up to Sue.

"Can I have a cookie Sue?"

She nods, "Sure hon."

Grinning I take a chocolate chip cookie and sit back on the couch. Renesmee is the first to open a gift which is from Jacob.

"Look mommy Jakie gave me a pretty bracelet!" She exclaims.

"It's beautiful," Bella smiles.

Finishing my cookie I sit on the floor and take out a present of the bag.

"Merry Christmas Ren!" I exclaim handing her the present.

"Thanks, Aunt Callie!" She beams, opening the present.

She gasps holding up the journal, "Look, mommy!"

"Very nice Nes," Bella nods.

She seems far away for some reason as she leans against the wall.

I hand Jacob, Charlie, Sue, Seth, Leah, Bella, and Daddy their gifts as well.

"Thank you, baby," daddy smiles and kisses me.

I giggle and watch everyone as they open their gifts.

"Awe thanks kid," Charlie says.

"Your welcome dad," I reply.

Once all the gifts were exchanged Sue announced that dinner is done. Bella and daddy both left saying they needed to take care of something.

"I'll see you later tonight okay baby?"

I nod and lean on my tippy toes to give daddy a kiss.

"Okay, daddy I love you."

"I love you too Princess."

When dinner was done we gathered in the living room to watch 'Its a wonderful life.' After the movie was over Leah drove Renesmee, Seth and I back to the Cullen's.

When I was done putting away all my gifts I asked if I could watch a movie in the living room.

"Of course you can Calliope," Esme says.

I put on Jim Careys, 'The Grinch who stole Christmas' on. By the time the movie ended daddy and Bella came home. It also meant that its bedtime. So as per usual daddy carried me to my nursery and helped me change into my pjs.

"Can I sleep with you, daddy?"

Daddy smiles and carries me to his room.

"Of course. Tell me about your day." He asks, laying in bed with me after stripping to his boxers.

"We had a yummy dinner and watched it's a wonderful life. Sue even made us hot cocoa with mini marshmallows!" I explained clapping my hands.

"That's nice baby, I'm glad you had a nice time."

Smiling I snuggle up to daddy, "I love you, daddy."

"I love you too baby, soo much. Goodnight Princess."

I yawn and nuzzle his neck. "Night, night daddy."

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