Chapter 3- The Week is Up

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"No this can't be happening!" she yelled in fear. Then, she started running to her room ,but her aunt got in the way and so she crashed. " Auntie are you alright". Wendy turns around and faces her aunt. 

"Sweetie why are you in such a hurry"

"i heard him"

" Who"

" The Dark One"

"Hmm lets go check in the book if it has him in it"

Both of them got up and walked to the study room. But, once they entered the book was open and it had the words The Dark One in glowing green letters. They look at it for a while and green smoke came out. Once that happened they took a step back and the book then showed a misty image. The book then lifted itself up and let Wendy and her aunt read it. It said that the dark one was the most powerful and evil person ,but could only be seen by the chosen one. It also said that he could and would accomplish what he desires.

" Look at the end it says 'He who wears the black wills always come back'," Wendy said with a shaky voice. At the end of that she had a vision that her family was going to be in danger if she didn't do something to stop it. So, because of her vision she started learning witchery. Such as,  spells and potions. She read and practiced all the spells that were in that book except for one that she thought could be helpful in the future. That one spell was Darknisio. It was a spell that could remove evil from within 50 miles of where it was cast. She thought it was the perfect one. Now that she was able to make clones and potions she was prepared for when they would come for her. Her parents would call here and there. But, she would ask about if they okay or if they were ever going to pick her up.

The next day, she had an idea to spy on her parents. But, not to actually go and spy in person but instead through a crystal ball and she knew exactly how to make one. When, she had the ball she saw her parents cleaning her room sometimes ,but with this chemical that didn't actually clean it. That chemical, as soon as she found out, was to search for fingerprints and if the item was burnt. Now she thought it was weird at first , but she also found out that whenever she shot that magical dust that the thing it touched got burnt. But, not in the way fire does it causes a black beautiful design that would lead straight to her. Not only did she see that ,but at some points the dark one would appear and make the black design glow and show how the mark happened.Later, she stopped watching it because she was getting concerned. "Sweetie do you know why you have the powers that you have?" her aunt asked. "No," Wendy said. Her aunt explained to her that she was not a witch ,but that she was Nuieske. A Nuieske was said to be a person that was wished to have these magical powers for good ,but once the person learns to control it they would be invincible and could defeat any evil in its path.

"But auntie this ain't true i never wanted these powers and.."

"Your parents wished you these powers to defeat the evil in this town," her auntie said calmly, " Besides i will teach you"

" Really!"

" Haven't i so far ,but the problem is that they know where you are."

"Are you saying you are going to leave me with someone else?"

" No I'm saying that we are going to move without them knowing"


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