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Amelia's P.O.V

I walked inside and sat down on the couch as Adam walked in and stood in front of me with his arms crossed

"Explain" he said in his scary voice that made me want to shit my pants

"Can I swear Please?" I asked first because I knew that I wouldn't be able to get through it without saying fucking or bitch

Adam glared at me and kept his posture straight meaning that I can't. I sighed but began explaining

"Soo you know Brittany, Yh well she's been pis- annoying me for quite a few days and today I just couldn't take it she was saying stuff about my weight and just making me feel really insecure" I said stopping to wipe my fake tears

"And I wanted her to stop so I started calling dean because if he spoke to her she will stop but instead she friggin threw my phone to the floor and now it's friggin broken" I said slumping back onto the couch

"And Yh So I got angry then we fought not really fight tho I kinda just slammed her into the lockers and blah blah" I finished, finally looking at Adam

He stood their with a straight face

"Firstly I know when ur real crying and fake crying so don't think that them "tears" worked on me" he said putting quotations around tears

I sighed and crossed my arms looking down

"Secondly I know that you were on your period so I'm not blaming u entirely for this" he said making my head snap up

"How the fuck did u know I'm on my period" I said but I quickly slammed my hand on my mouth when I realised I swore

Adam shook his head in disapproval but continued

"Jason keeps a calendar of ur period in his room so that he can buy u chocolates and ice cream and so I can re stock on pads, the day before" he said

"Oh that's kinda weird but thank you" I said giving him a smile trying to soften him up

"And thirdly Amelia goddamn Francessa Valentino u do NOT get into fights do u understand me violence is never the answer" he said raising his voice a little making me jump

Hold up Francessa?

"Says the guy who carries a gun everywhere" a voice said from behind me shaking me out of my thoughts

I looked back to see that all the boys were here including Danny, who is the one who spoke, and the cousins

"Yes cugino it was our little girls first fight" Elliot said standing next to Adam patting his back

"Give the girl some slack" Noah said jumping on the couch pulling me into his chest

"She's growing up now" he said rocking me whilst squishing my face into his chest

"Nah I'm with Adam on this one" Dean said smirking at me

"U high fived me at school u lil prick" I said glaring at him

"LANGUAGE" said by the three oldest in the house aka Elliot Danny and Adam

"But Hey Adam please don't be mad she was practically asking for it and it's not like anyone got seriously hurt" I said standing up pulling away from Noah's grasp

"But Amelia this is not right ur gonna be grounded for a week u can't go out with ur friends" Adam said crossing his arms staring down at me

"I don't have friends who the flip am I going to go out with anyway" I said laughing

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