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Amelia's P.O.V

I made my way to my last class for the day which was Science. I took my seat in the back. Today Liam came but whenever we were around my brothers I couldn't speak to him but I did it when we weren't with them

He walked in and took his seat beside me

"Hi bitch" he said smiling at me

"Hi whore" I said smiling back at him before turning my attention to the teacher

"Alright guys you will have to do a project on one of the topics we have done this month, it will be in for next Tuesday, I'll be choosing your partners" the teacher said making me and the rest of the class groan

Hopefully me and Liam get partnered together that means the boys can't keep me from talking to him I thought smiling. I looked over at Liam, his face held a smile too probably thinking the same as me

"Dylan and Amelia" sir said making mine and Liam's smile fall


I looked over to Dylan who was smirking as he looked at me with a smug look I sent him a small smile but when he looked away I looked at Liam with a look of panic

"What the fuck should I do I can't stand him how the fuck am I meant to do a project with him?!" I whisper shouted

"I don't know for fuck same this is not gonna go well with ur brothers" Liam said shaking his head

"U don't think I know that dipshit" I said smacking the back of his head

"Hey shut up let me think" he said rubbing his head

"Okay so ur brothers could stay with u when u guys are working also never go to his house for the project u will be in a vulnerable state then he could do anything to u plus I don't know what type of mafia shit he has in there" he said whispering the last part to me

I stayed quiet for a few minutes before a smile made its way to my face

"Oh my gosh ur so smart Liam I could go to his house and find out shit!" I said smiling at him

"What no that's the complete opposite of what I said" he said putting his hands up just then the bell rang

"Thank for the idea love u" I said taking hold of his face giving him a kiss on his cheek before running away

"WERE U EVEN LISTENING TO WHAT I SAID?!" I heard his voice say before I bolted out of the door

Now what can I do to soothe my bros


"So how was your guys' day" I said smiling at everyone in the car which was only Dean Chris Jason and Jackson

"It was sick I got to bang this girl before first period she had a massive as-" dean began but got stopped as Chris smacked him

"Don't speak about shit like that infront of Amelia" he said rolling his eyes as he looked back at me with a sympathetic smile

"My day was fine thank u what about u sweetheart" Chris said smiling at me

"Oh ykno it was the usual boring maths, English, Romeo Juliet, project with Dylan" I said

The car came to a harsh stop in the middle of the street throwing me forward but Jason and Jackson held me before I could go through the windshield

"What the fuck did u just say" Dean said looking at me with furrowed brows

"U just stopped in the middle of the goddamn road dean what are u doing the cars can't get past" I said crossing my arms

"They can go around us now repeat what u said" Jackson said

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