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Deliquent Profile #4477

Name: Adam Bender                                                                  Skin color: light brown

Age: 8                                                                                         Hair: curly, light brown

Grade: 3rd                                                                                 Gender: Male

 Height: 4 ft. 10 inches                                                              School: Richardson Nurture Center 

Weight: 85 lbs.

                Adam ran away from the school premises on June 21, 2025 and was missing for seven days. We found him sleeping under the oak tree by the A Boys Dormitory, by the perimeter fence. This impulvisive and dangerous act wasn't his first but, it was his worst. Several times he has snuck out of the building to wander the Outside without adult supervision. No matter how secure we lock up the facilities, he manages to escape. 

                    Adam has acted strange since his very first day here at the Nurture Center in 2022. He was very friendly with the other children but, he never seemed to connect with his peers. During playtime, while other children were experimenting with our digital interactive learning stations, he sat alone by the window fiddling with older puzzels and spelling blocks. He refused to touch anything that was plastic. For a while he ate with his hands and sat on the ground because the utensils and classroom furniture were made out of plastic. The oddest thing about this boy was his speech. He uses vocabulary way beyond his years and spoke in a poetic dialect. His teachers could never get a straight answer out of him and found it very disruptive. 

                  Though the staff find his intelect very impressive, they also see it as very defiant. Instead of trying to help his fellow classmates learn, he just confuses them. Instead following the lesson plan and listening to his teachers, he tries to educate them! This is insubordination on the most severe level and must be disciplined. He is now in the Correction Wing where he will serve solitary detention. He will not be permited to speak. He is only allowed to write and answer questions on reflection forms. 

Reflection sheet

1.   Explain what you did wrong.

I took a step Outside and now I'm ostricized? 

Curiosity killed the cate but submission slaughtered the lamb.

2. Why did you do it?

For three rotations and thirty-two moons,

I sat by the glass staring at blue,

at green and the brown

Sprouting through the ground.

I sat listening for the sound

Of singing birds and buzzing bees.

But hearing these sweet melodies,

The cold, thick glass wouldn’t let me.

All I do is see the trees,

But never touch them.

I only dream of the breeze,

Blowing the sapling stem.

 My fingers never reach through this cold, hard glass. 

 I can only remember my short-lived past,

When I ran, free from belonging to Man.

Why I so long to return, my teachers never asked.

All The other lambs merely stood and laughed.

All your words, wisdoms and rules,

 Chained me to their plastic stools.

 Nothing Outside could reach me here

  And that’s the goal reached in fear.

  But there is One that breaks through

  The window pane of pain and soothe

   The fire of my desire, but whom?

 Well It’s the Sun I tell you.

His light called me, you see

To come outside and be

His playful, happy friend,

To break the fearful trend.

To go out to have fun, to be

The First Child In the Sun.

 3. Why was it wrong? 

What is wrong? What is not right. Did I take a left? I believed we all

have. So then you too, are wrong yet I don’t tape your mout shut and

ask you to speak.

4. What will you do to improve?

The seed is planted, now let it grow....

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