Chapter One

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Hi, I'm Angelica Quentin Mara-bell Callie Corrine. Don't be fazed by my three middle names, it's fun to write it on every school paper. Totally normal.

I get up in tha morning and walk over to tha mirror. I had blonde hair, and electric blue orbs with sea green specks. I. Was. Hideous.

As I thought about how much it sucks that my family is poor, I walked into my walk-in-closet and put on my (brand name) jeans and (brand name) thousand thread count sweater before grabbing my iPhone that was in between my computer and xbox, and on top of my Wii and running down the stairs of our gigantic apartment.

As I walked into our kitchen my super meanie stepmother beamed at me.

"Why, hello my beloved stepdaughter whom I love and sherish. I just baught you an entire mini mall for your birthday." I ran away crying.

"Meanie! Why do you hate me!?" I yelled over my shoulder. I stopped running once I got to the street. I sniffled and turned into the dark, ominous alleyway. Best decision ever. Five steps in I heard a growl.

I turned slowly to see a snake monster thingie. "AH!" I screamed before this guy with dark hair and green orbs jumped out and smacked the monster on the head. Then the monster exploded into sparkly mabobles.

"Hi, who are you? What are you doing here?" I asked, compleately ignoring the fact that a snake woman just threatened to eat ma face.

"I'm Percy Jackson, and I was just doing normal stuff away from camp like I always do and I noticed that you're a demigod," He explained.

"Well, how do you know I'm a Demigod?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"My magic Percy Jackson powers, duh," he said.

"Makes sense. WAIT... PERCY JACKSON????" I ask him. "I READ ALL YO BOOKS, AND SAW ALL YO MOVIES. The first movie sucked though, yo should really slap the director when you get the chance." He nodded in agreement.

"Hold on, I'll ignore that fangirl moment compleately and use my magic PJ powers to take us to CHB in two paragraphs of this stupid Fanfic," he declared.

"What?!" I asked.

"What?" he asked back. Then he snapped his fingers and...

POOF, we were at this magic place that I knew was Camp Half-Blood because I had read all the books so naturally, I would know what it would look like. Also, where else would his magic Percy Jackson powers take us?

"I'M GOING TO END THE FIRST CHAPTER NOW!" I yelled. Percy looked at me funny.



A/N: END OF FIRST CHAPTER! Please don't kill me.

Percy Jackson And The Cliche FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now