The Begining - Ch. 1

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Alexander felt his phone ring, his alarm to go to class. Alexander groaned, he got up, tightened his gloves, and put away his Shakespeare book as he grabbed his Science books. Alexander never told anyone about his powers actually, he was a transfer from Richwood and has only been there for about a month now.

Alexander walked inside of the science class, sitting in the back. He took off one of his gloves and touched a pencil, it turned to ice. Alexander shook his head, putting his glove back on.

Thomas hit sleep on his alarm clock and rolled out of bed. He put on his cloths for the day, shoved a granola bar in his backpack and ran or the door. He walked through the doors and went straight to his locker where he grabbed his books an went to his first period class. He arrived in the science class and took a seat in the back of the class, putting his feet on his desk.

Thomas spotted Alex in the corner of his eyes. When he saw him, it felt like something hit him with a brick I  his stomach and he had no idea why. He hated him tho.... He smerked and decided to go annoy him.

"Hey Hamilham" Thomas mocked, sitting in the seat next to Hamilton, putting his legs on the desk once again.

Alexander narrowed his eyes and shoved the ice pencil in his pocket. "Hey Jeffershit. Hey today can you not make my desk float? Thanks." Alexander scoffed tightening his gloves again, they always seemed to be so loose on him it would just slip off, again they were from his mother before she died, so technically it was his mothers.

Alexander sighed, pulling out his science textbook and started to read the page. Cells, tectonic plates, earthquakes. Alexander memorized and groaned from having to memorize this all.

"Sure. I won't make your desk float today," he sad with a smerk. As he went to look back at the front of the classroom, he noticed the ice pencils in Alex's pocket. He levitated it out of Alex's pocket an into his hands. He looked at it and said "Oh that's what your power is!" He went back to levitating it bc how hands got to cold.

Alexander quickly tackled Thomas and grabbed his pencil back. "HEY DON'T TOUCH THAT YOU IDIOT IT'S MY FRIENDS!" Alexander hissed, obviously lying. He tightening his glove again.

He growled at Thomas and got off him. "That isn't my power Jefferson. I don't /have/ one." Alexander scoffed and sat back in his desk.

George, who was sitting behind them the whole time,  absolutely despised the place. It was obvious he wanted to go back to his country. He just decided to just watch his idiotic classmates fight over stuff, particularly Thomas and Alexander.

Whenever Thomas and Alex had classes together, George would just smile knowing it was going to be an entertaining day. He sipped on his tea once more, this time turning to watch the two.

"Are you two peasants going to try and kill each other again? Can you... do it more quietly?" George asked them in a mocking tone, he was bored and he felt like starting drama up.

"If I was any quieter, you wouldn't be able to easdrop" Thomas looked at George then to Hamilton, "Also, if you didn't have a power, you wouldn't be here," he chuckled "You really suck at lying."

"Fine my power is writing fast." Alexander said simply, reading more of the text book he was given. Yes, technically Alexander could write very fast and had one of the most best grades and GPAs in school, but Thomas knew that wasn't his real power. "I told you that pencil was from a friend. I didn't make that shit." Alexander rolled his eyes and huffed.

George continued to watch them, it was a fun entertaining show for him and he couldn't deny that. He raised an eyebrow at the smol man's remark before hearing a light chuckle, realizing someone else was listening.
George shrugged it off, at least whoever it was had a sense of humor, he thought.

"Eavesdrop? Please, I can't help but hear the two of you's obnoxious voices, it's too damn loud." George crossed his arms.

"That would make sense, but I still don't beleave you" Thomas smirked. He looked back at George. He was ready to slap this kid but he knew better. "F*ck off" he said simply but straight into his eyes.

A/N - There's so much to this story that I bairly know how to break it up into parts. I thought this was a good stoping point but it does get more to the good stuff in the next couple of chapters so y'all are in for a treat. Anyways, I hope you like the story and have a good night/day!

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