Every Story Comes to an End - Ch 7/8

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Recap: Thomas smiled and nudged Alex a little bit so he would wake up a little peaceful-er. He leaned over and wispered "Time to wake up sweet heart. Class is going to start"

Alexander groaned a tiny bit and opened a bit of his eyes weakly. "Huh...?" Alexander asked wiping the drool off his face and having blurry vision.

"I said, class is starting soon." Thomas smiled and kissed Alex on the forehead.

Alexander blink and nodded. "But I'm tireddddd..." Alexander whispered rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"I know you are. Trust me, I am to, but I know you don't just become smart over night. You might miss something important and I know you. You don't want to miss it," he says sweetly, which was strange for him.

"Can we just go home and cuddle..." Alexander whimpered placing his head on the table and blinked slowly.

"Honesty, I wouldn't mind that. Maybe after class, we can ditch and spend the rest of the day at my house" Thomas offered. He wasn't all that of an angel, even if his words said otherwise.

"Yayyyy!" Alexander cheered and giggled as he layed his head on the table where he was most comfortable with and watched the lesson.

Thomas smiled and watched the lesson go on as well. It was just a video on history... or something in English. It didn't really matter to him. He just couldn't wait for after class.

Alexander felt his eyes grow heavier and heavier as each second ticked by. He yawned again and started to fall asleep in class again.

Thomas smiled as he saw Alex drifting asleep. Just a few more minutes before we could excape and actually snuggle and sleep for real.

Alexander mumbled some things as he hugged himself and smiled as he snored softly.

The bell rang to end the class and Thomas nudged Alex to wake up once again. "Hey sweety, class is over. Wanna go now or wait till school is over?" He smiled and looked at Alex who had his head on his desk.

Alexander nodded. "Yesssss!~" Alexander perked up and hugged Thomas. "Let's go now please.." Alexander whispered as he felt even more tired before. Have you ever took a nap and felt more tired than before? Ya that's how Alexander felt when he was hugging Thomas.

Thomas took Alexander and made him levitate, but not in the way of scaring him, not like the way so he won't have to walk.

*Time skip to approaching Thomas's house*

Thomas and Alex finally reached his house which was only like 5 minutes from the school. His parents weren't home (they were never home) so it's all right. "Hey Hammie, we are approaching my house." Thomas placed Alex the ground.

Alexander threw his hands up and laughed. "Yayyyy! Cuddle timeee!" Alexander giggled and hugged Thomas.

Thomas swiftly opened the door and took a seat on the couch with Alexander still hugging on to him. He used his powers of bring the remote closers to him. He put on netflix and softly asked "Wana pick a movie to play in the background? Possibly zootopia or Aladin..."

"Sure! Maybe we can invite Burr and Peggy over if you want." Alexander shrugged and leaned on his side. Alexander smiled and held onto Thomas as he looked at the tv, the screen brightening up his eyes.

"We should totally invite them," Thomas said and pulled out his phone. He sort of wanted to just be alone with Alex but he knew things were heating up between Peggy and Burr at school so he decided it would be good for them.{A/N - I didn't include Burr and Peggies ship in the story cus 1.) It's about Jamilton, and 2.) It just wasn't as eventful as Jamilton ship and would've happened at the same time. It's less confusing this way. Their status is their friends but they both have crushes on eachother}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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