вeѕт ғrιendѕ

377 16 2

main ; jallexx
best friends - rex orange county
wc ; 1030

" play me something, bubba. " alex whined into james' ear softly, jokingly, menacingly. he made an effort to glance over at the rest of their friends as well, all fucking around on the much too small playground they found themselves next to. james shivered slightly, the cold breath surprising him. within a small moment though, he already began tuning the guitar that sat next to him.

as he prepared himself, the male couldn't help but notice all his friends begin to gather around him excitedly. even will and george. cunts. anxiety cooling as he reminded himself despite the large group, no one would judge him harshly, he began to strum a few chords, before his singing commenced.

" i should've stayed at home „

he hummed softly, watching as everyone's eyes softened, causing a small smile to appear on his lips.

" 'cause right now i see all these people that love me -
but i still feel alone „

he then watched as his not-yet boyfriend, alex, shuffled in his seat. the male shot him a confident look. yes, it was that song.

" can't help but check my phone -
i could've made you mine- „

james paused. watching the little crowd formed around him lean forward a bit, he let out a soft chuckle. it sounded heavenly. his laugh tasted like cake with too much sugar. sickeningly sweet.

" but no, it wasn't meant to be and see, i wasn't made for you -
and you weren't made for me „

alex was already blushing. james acknowledged that. he didn't say anything though,

" though it seemed so easy „

starstruck, the boys collectively turned away for a moment. alex and james would've tore them apart over this normally, though today was different. alex was somehow a part of this blushy behavior, and james was much too distracted with the music.

" and that's because i wanna be your favorite boy -
i wanna be the one that makes your day „

fraser hummed softly at james' singing, glancing over at erling with a soft sigh. it was truly beautiful, how mesmerized everyone was.

james looked straight at alex.

" the one you think about as you lie awake. „

the pair chuckled, everyone hyperfixated on them. well, apart from josh. he was too must staring at will, eyes glossy.

" i can't wait to be your number one.
i'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine „

alex nodded at james. james nodded back. fraser snuggled into erling's lap. josh, will, and george all moved closer to one another.

james bit his lip.

" but i still wanna break your heart, and make you cry. „


" but won't you wait
you know it's too late
i'm on my own shit now
let me tell you how it feels to be fucking great
i feel great „

james had a glimmer in his eye. alex scooted a little closer into the circle.

" you need to be yourself
love someone for loving you instead of someone really cool
that makes your heart melt „

they both sighed. james followed suit with the others actions.

all was silent for a moment.

" who knows what you truly felt? „

james broke. he would've began sobbing right then and there if it weren't for all the eyes prying at his skin. still ignoring the lurking sadness, he continued to sing.

" you're still my favorite...
you better trust me when i tell you
there ain't no one else more beautiful in this damn world

n this damn world „

everyone noticed the pause, the held breath, the small bit of time it took the male to compose himself as he sung. it took the boys a minute to get back to whatever they were doing before. refusing to acknowledge anything, they went back to snuggling up together.

" you're gonna wanna be my best friend, baby
you're gonna wanna be my best friend
i said that - „

after this line, james' voice slid into soft hums, eyes locked on his guitar strings with excitement. three, two, not even a foot apart. everyone else was too drunk ( and preoccupied within themselves ) to notice, but alex was quickly approaching the musician, watching intently when to make his next move.

" i say that i'm happy
i say that i'm happy
but no, no, no, no
no, no, no, oh „

almost suddenly, alex was at his hip. from an outside view, it seemed to be nothing more than a hug. a cuddle. something alex was only doing due to exhaustion and intoxicated euphoria. though the soft kisses on his neck said otherwise.

" i still wanna be your favorite boy
i wanna be the one that makes your day
the one you think about as you lie awake
and i can't wait to be your number, your number one
i'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine
but I still wanna break your heart and make you cry „

james was careful about these lines, singing them out in a way that was quick, yet not rushed. as he played the last few chords, his hand wrapped around the male on his hips waist, sliding his hand up under his hoodie and shirt, stroking his back.

" i still wanna be your favorite boy
i wanna be the one
i might just be the one „

hearing alex hum along with the last line, james glanced at him in adoration. he then pulled the other boy up to stand, watching as the group around him all began clapping. shaking his head at the jokes they made about his singing as he and alex walked behind the playground, his eyes remained avert to the flirty gestures made behind them.

" is this what you wanted, cunt? " james whispered into the youngers ear, spinning him around to be pressed against the wall of the playplace with a smirk. alex nearly moaned at this, though remaining quiet as they shared a long, soft kiss.

the boys spent a while there together, before rushing over to the swingset, where they sat until the sun began to rise.

" we need to talk. "


an ; this was so fluffy I yEll
sorry if this is kinda shit i haven't slept in days rip.

I luv writing like this tho sadly this is gonna get angsty vv quick so beware
also, sorry it took so long, exams are shit :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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