1A. Movie Night Continued

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Peter, Wade, Anya, Neena, and Clint have been friends since their freshman year of high school. Their families have always done holidays together; the five of them barley spent any time apart.
After about two hours passed, Wade walks to Peter's apartment. They all live in the same complex, which is near the main campus so it's a convenient commute.

ㅤ╱╱。˚ . ✦、 Wade's P.O.V.

Even though that walk only takes two minutes, it always feels like the longest walk in the world. I just can't wait to see everyone, it's been two days. Finally making it to Peter's apartment, I knock on the door. Obnoxiously. After waiting impatiently, he opens the door for me and immediately pulls me inside. "Peter- what are you doing?" I ask calmly, trying not to laugh. "Nothing... I just got excited. I missed you! Or I already started a movie.." Peter pauses and looks at me and then looks at the screen, which was showing a scary movie. He was scared, of course. I was not surprised, except I wondered why he would even try and watch a scary movie by himself. "You're a colossal dumbass. Come on, let's just watch something else while everyone else gets here."
Five minutes pass by and Anya, Neena and Clint come in through the front door. Anya had one arm around Clint and one arm around Neena. I can't believe Anya is so oblivious to how Neen feels, like hello get a hint! Anya looks at Peter and I with a smile, which I don't understand. We are just sharing a blanket, nothing new. But I could feel Peter shifting under her gaze for a second before standing up to greet them all. Me on the other hand... I just stayed where I was. I was too comfortable.
Clint walks over towards me, removing himself from Anya's grasp, gently hitting the side of my head, "Hey dumbass, why weren't you at practice today? I texted you like a million times!" I didn't think he'd notice. But how couldn't he, I'm the captain. "I got caught up in something.." I said slowly. Way to make it /not/ sound suspicious. He raises an eyebrow at me and scoffs, "Yeah, whatever Wilson. I brought beer!" I swear this guy has the attention span of a squirrel.
I finally get up and walk past him and give Anya and Neena and hug, and I graciously give one back. Anya pulls away and gives me a smile, "You're here early... hm.." she chuckles and takes the beer that Clint brought into Peter's kitchen. I wonder what that was all about. I catch Peter looking at me and I tilt my head, "Hey why don't we go pick a movie for us to start with, yeah?" I grab his arm and he looks at me with wide eyes when I do so. Seriously, what is everyone's deal? I'm feeling very attacked.

ㅤ╱╱。˚ . ✦、 Peter's P.O.V.

Wade and I decide on watching The Purge: Election Night. I know that Wade loves these kinds of movies, but they scare the living shit out of me. In all honesty, I'd do anything to make him happy. At least with a scary movie, I can be all over him without him thinking twice about it!
We are all gathered in the living room, I had Wade on one side of me and Anya on the other. We all sat pretty close together; for my sake. I was basically hugging Wade's arm, which wasn't unusual for us. About an hour in, I started to complain about how hungry I am. I seriously need to go grocery shopping. "Clint, weren't you in charge of bringing food?" I ask him and then everyone agreed with me. "Oh shit.. sorry I was too busy sleeping, and then I had practice. I'll order us a pizza." He says with a sigh. I know he deep, deep down secretly hates us all.
Clint ends up ordering the pizza and i focus back on the movie. Well, try to at least. My main focus was how muscular Wade's arm is, it's almost rock solid. Lacrosse must really be working him out. I move a little closer to him, and I end up jumping from the doorbell ringing. He looks down at me and coos, "hey you're okay it's just the doorbell. Clint go get the fucking pizza you dingdong." He laughs at himself, of course. I laughed too, and I know I probably seem so whipped. I laugh at everything he says, even if it's not even remotely funny. Force of habit, I guess. I'm so in love with Wade, it's embarrassing. Anya knows that I'm not /just/ his best friend, by choice of course. She's the only one I felt like I could tell.

ㅤ╱╱。˚ . ✦、 Clint's P.O.V.
Fucking finally. I get up and get the door, only to see the softest human being I have ever laid eyes on.
He has the biggest grin on his face and he's holding up the pizza with one arm. I love arm. "One large pepperoni pizza for... Clont Barton?" He read the /incorrect name/ slowly. "I'm sorry, what? It's Clint... actually it doesn't matter yeah that's me." I had him my debit card anyways and I grab the pizza box from his hand. "S-sorry about that, Clint. So is it movie night? I don't mean to be intrusive, well I guess that is what I'm being anyways. So is it?" He asks me, that stupid grin not leaving his face.
"Yeah, it is. What's your name?" I can't help but notice how cute he is. Absolutely adorable. "Scott- Scott Lang. This is my last delivery of the day, I'm just ready to have a movie night....... alone..." he looks at me and hands me back my card. Was he trying to hint that he wanted in? We just met- but what harm could it do? This guy looks like a lost puppy. "Nice to meet you Scott, now tell me.. You go to NYU?" I ask him. His face lights up and he nods eagerly. "I do! I do! Do you?" Of course he does. "You want to come inside? We're watching The P-" before I can even finish my goddamn sentence Scott just walks in, dropping his stuff by the door. "Alrighty then.." I sigh and follow him inside.

. . .

AN: chapter 1,,,, DONE

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