| advice

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even if you think that your perception of your own beauty
(or someone else's perception of your beauty)
is that you're ugly
no ur wrong they are wrong the whole world is wrong shut up

I know many of you probably won't believe me when I say this, but what you think & say of yourself/body/ whatever is actually very crucial to your self esteem. I mean it.

Someone can tell you "you look terrible in that outfit/bikini/whatever" but if you still like the way you look in it then it, honest to god, won't matter.
I've had some people tell me that I look ugly/ too old in one of my favourite shirts and do you know what I do?
I keep wearing it even if it pisses people off.
cause it's MY shirt and MY outfit.
I can wear what I like when I like and I don't care if people think it looks good on me. that's the least of my worries.
my biggest worry is if I think I look good in it.
and that's all I should worry about.

tell yourself that you look good in what you're wearing and that you're good at doing what you do and you're trying your best.

ignoring what people say can be hard for you but TRY YOUR BEST.

cry about it if you need to and then go right back to telling yourself you look like a bad bitch because yOU ARE

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