| everywhere

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when will you fall in love with the world? thank the barista who gives you coffee. he is just as tired as you this morning, he also uses humor to deflect his pain and he also stays up at night wondering if his life will ever find it’s direction. offer your five dollar bill to the homeless women. she feels the cold, the disdain in stranger’s faces, the thinness of her coat, the holes in her gloves and her lungs. she used to look like you, with bright eyes and a heart that didn’t know how to do anything else but love, love, love, love. smile at the bus driver. her mind is also cluttered with the people she has dared to love, she also gives more than she gets and just like you, she wishes the scales of attention will tip in her balance someday. if your heart is broken because someone else did not see you in their future, in their bed, or at the kitchen table after a night of sharing secrets and skin, remember that this does not mean you no longer exist. you are everywhere — in the reflection of the eyes of strangers, in the hands of women, in the hopes of train conductors and waitresses. you are everywhere. you are everywhere. you are everywhere. go everywhere, and see yourself in every nation, every city, every person you meet. fall in love with all of it, the raw, undeniable thrill of being free and human and full of hope. because if only you learned to love the world as much as you learned to love them, you would not believe the enormity of the affection you’d receive in return.

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