Chapter 9: The Journey Begins.

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Athena went to bed that night, sort of fearful. She was afraid of what might happen to her if she were to fail, but she was also scared of what might happen if she stayed. She also wasn't very confident anymore, considering she had just lost her Best Friend. She looked up at the ceiling one last time and sighed.
"Okay Athena. You have to do this. Get rid of your fear of Hades. You can do this! Imagine being in Skyworld with the fighters and...just, yo. You can do this." She told herself. She sighed a long sigh, and finally sat up.
Quietly, she slipped out of bed and undressed from her Underworld attire, changing into a normal tunic, with brown boots. She then motioned to Kurai to come to her.
"Hey Kurai..."
Se whispered.
The Monoeye dashed forward and blinked.
"Are you ready? You're going to have to be really quiet, okay?"
She patted the monoeye on the head who blinked as if to understand:
She then grabbed her bag, which had everything she thought she might need until she could make it to the Overworld. It contained about 12 boxes of Underberry juice and a jug of water to drink, and for food she had stocked up some meat, pretty much the only food item the Underworld had that was ethical. She made sure she packed a blanket, pillow, and her stuffed Mik toy for when she needed sleep. She also packed two more tunics, a hairbrush her favorite hair wing, and her notebook that had her plans and guides for escaping, also with her Skyworld poster folded inside for safekeeping. Last but not least, Athena grabbed Aegis, her First Blade, and stuck it in a holster on her tunic's belt/sash. She thought back at her checklist and made sure she had everything. Once she was sure she had everything, she looked out the tiny window in her room one last time. Placing her hand on it, she cried a single tear, a tear of fear, unknowingness, but also a tear of joy. With that, She knew she was ready to leave at no matter what cost.
"C'mon Kurai, let's go, we need to get past the troops."
She whispered.
The Monoeye quickly dashed to her, and stayed close.
She slowly exited her room, looking at it one last time before she closed the door.
Now outside, she felt the scorching heat of the Underworld air on her skin. The smell of ash and death filled her nose once more. It was always painful, but tonight it was tolerable, for she knew she wouldn't have to deal with it longer. Above her flew many clueless underworld troops, varying from shelbos to syrens, and even shootflies. and on the ground in other places she could see Skuttlers and Zik and Zaks. Athena knew they didn't have brains, so it would be easy to slip through them, if she was quiet. But If she drew attention to herself, the troops might act up and alarm Hades of suspicious activity. She figured it would be easy enough to avoid doing so, but she knew she had to deal with passing the Underworld gatekeeper. That would certainly be a challenge.
"I'll cross that bridge when I get there."
She thought, to calm herself.
Kurai stayed close by, as Athena reminded the little Monoeye to stay quiet. Her heart beat fast as she nervously tiptoed further away from her little room. She clenched her bag tightly with one hand, and tightly grasped her blade in its holster, in case she were to need it.
Underworld troop chattering, sputtering, and bustling was easily heard, and as they passed by cluelessly, Athena thought to herself in disgust of all the innocent souls used to create them. She looked at Kurai, and wondered. Was there something different about Kurai's interior that made him aware and full of emotions? She was unsure, but it was certainly strange to think about. As she traveled closer to her destination, it was random thoughts like those that kept her mind off of the fear of being caught. She managed to make it to the Underworld courtyard unscathed and unnoticed, and took one last look at the Underworld castle. She made it a point not to look back anymore, and to leave everything behind. She felt she was mature enough to leave, and she was going to stick with it. She sighed a deep sigh and sat down for a second. An hour exactly had passed since she left her room, for sneaking around greatly limited her speed. Athena was fearful of the time, because she knew if she was too slow, "daybreak" may come and expose her. She knew she couldn't run, but she figured she had to somehow move faster. The time was around 4 in the morning, and day would come soon. She knew she still had to tackle the issue of the Underworld gatekeeper as well. She had to think fast, and think she did as she sat on that bench. She thought a second, then looked at Kurai. "Hey wait a second..." She thought.
"Kurai, are you strong enough to carry me on your back? we could fly out of here unnoticed if I hide myself.."
She muttered to the Monoeye.
The Monoeye's eye widened, presumably because it was a big task.
Kurai kind of looked to the side as if to say "I'm not sure.."
Athena put her finger to her chin and thought.
"Hmmm..... Let's couldn't hurt to try right?"
She said reassuringly to Kurai, who was preparing for the weight and had given in.
She sighed. She stood on the bench, and jumped onto the back of the Monoeye's eyelid. She was a bit big, and Kurai struggled a bit, but Athena could tell Kurai wanted to be strong for this.
"Are you sure you're ok buddy?"
She asked to be sure as she petted the Monoeye.
Kurai jumped a bit as to say yes.
Athena smiled as she held on.
She put a blanket to cover herself, and grabbed onto her bag. This was perfect, Kurai could disguise as a normal troop and fly right past the gatekeeper.
Kurai slowly lifted up into the air carrying Athena, and began to progress forward. Athena watched as other troops passed by unknowingly and not giving Kurai a second glance. All according to plan, Athena sighed a sigh of relief.
"You're the best Kurai! Keep it up!"
She encouraged, and Kurai gradually increased speed.
After about 15 minutes, the duo reached the rim of the Underworld castle barrier. This meant the gatekeeper was near.
Athena was unsure what to expect, for she had never been to the barrier before. Trembling with anxiousness, she peeked out from under the blanket to see the situation.
Her eyes widened as she saw a huge white armored fiend, with many shields and weaponry. It flew solemnly in the air, just waiting for an attack.
"Wow..." She gazed in awe.
She had heard many rumors about it, and much to both her delight and dismay they were true; a large white destroyer with the force of a thousand Angels made to keep those who oppose the Underworld out.
As they flew closer, Athena thought about the Angel, Pit of Skyworld. The one she had been destined to fight; her Skyworld counterpart. They were about the same age, and she had been told he had taken down the Underworld army and rescued the goddess of light, Palutena. She had been too young to remember, but Had he gotten past this gatekeeper? She wondered. It was amazing!
Athena began to focus again as they drew toward the barrier. They slowly flew around another side to avoid meeting with the gatekeeper. Her plan was to sneak by the gatekeeper, who hopefully wouldn't notice.
Athena trembled with excitement as she could see the other side in reach. But as she began to reach, her hand struck an invisible shield.
"Ow! Oh no...."
Shocked, She gasped.
There had been a whole shield around the Underworld castle the whole time, something she hadn't accounted for.
The Gatekeeper's head turned to look at Athena in suspicion to the failed breach of the wall.
Athena froze still as she shook in fear for what it may do to her, and the fact she had come so close to getting out and had now failed.
The Giant machine inched toward her as it began to examine her.
Would it alert Hades? Would it kill her? What would it do?
She wondered as it drew closer.
Finally it stopped at Athena and Kurai, who had both began to sigh in disappointment.
"We came so close, and now we're going to be sent back..."
Athena thought, sadly.
She was sure nothing like that even existed at the barrier.
The Underworld gatekeeper had a log of everyone there, so any strange departures would be reported surely.
Preparing herself for the alarm, she hugged Kurai and sighed.
She tried to fake a smile, but was so disappointed she just couldn't.
The gatekeeper grabbed them and locked them up. She then watched as the gatekeeper readied itself for an alarm, but just as the sound was about to go off, the locks loosened off of them and the Gatekeeper appeared to have....turned off.
Athena gasped.
"But how?"
The giant invisible shield began to disappear as well.
She looked at the gatekeeper, and on top, was Summer, her firey red hair still vibrant from above.
Athena quietly exclaimed, in shock.
Summer waved a remote control in her hand, seemingly the control to the gatekeeper, and began to walk down the side of the machine to meet with Athena.
"Yeah. You're stupid! If the gatekeeper had caught you, you would've been done for, and Hades would've done Gods know what to punish you for deserting...stupid!"
Summer crossed her arms and Looked away. But quickly she sighed and looked back.
"And besides...I guess we are friends along with warriors, er, fighters. And I guess I felt like helping you."
She uncomfortably shrugged.
"B-but don't think it's because I support what you're doing! I would never abandon here! it's because we're friends. And y'know it's what you want to do I guess...but if there come a day when we meet again on the battlefield, don't think I won't hesitate to beat the hell out of you. Because I actually love this place, and I will fight for it, okay?"
Summer exclaimed, somewhat embarassedly.
Athena, processing Summer's words began to smile, and her tears became tears of joy.
"Thanks so much Summer, one day I'll make this up to you. And while you may not understand why I'm doing this now, I'm glad you can accept it. And don't worry, I'll spare you no mercy either."
Athena giggled.
"I'm serious. And I know from now on we might not be able to be friends, but let me at least say you were the best friend I could've ever asked for, so thanks for that."
Athena shrugged, still sitting atop Kurai.
Summer sighed and looked away.
"Hurry up before you're caught!....but... Until then, comrade."
Summer hesitantly saluted to Athena, as she glided past the barrier area on Kurai's back.
Athena turned around to salute back to Summer, as Summer grabbed the remote to the gatekeeper. With a push of s button, she activated the machine and shield again.
She saw Summer sigh, and then turn around to head back to her room. Back into the Underworld castle.
Athena thought to herself.
"What may Summer do now?"
But it was really question she couldn't answer, so she left it.
"Goodbye Summer."
She thought.
Athena and Kurai then preceded to travel outward, and into the Outskirts of the Underworld, where danger still lurked.

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