The morning after~ Short (Cute)

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Continued from The night we spent together

{Tony's POV}

I woke up as i felt movement and the warmth surrounding me disappeared. "Stephen?" I asked and cracked my eyes open to see the tall man's incredibly muscular back, "Morning Tony." I heard in the silky smooth and deep voice, i moved my hand forward and onto Stephen's back. Stephen flinched at the cold feel of my fingertips, he turned around to face me and i saw his blue-green eyes that shone in the sun that broke through the curtains.

Stephen moved his hand to hold mine, causing the shaking of his own hand to slow. "You're so beautiful." I said to the wizard causing him to smile. "You're amazing." He said and kissed my hand, "I'm going to make you some breakfast." He said smiling as he stood up completely, "Oh. Tony, can i borrow a shirt?" He asked and i pointed to a set of drawers that held shirts too big for me.

He strode over to the dresser and took a deep blue shirt before putting on a pair of jeans and walking out of the room. I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling, how did i end up sleeping with the hottest guy ever? And the kindest too, usually by now the person who i slept with would've packed up and left rather than making me breakfast.

I got up and looked at the pile of clothes on the floor and chuckled to myself as i picked them up and placed them into the hamper, i noticed a strange necklace amongst the pile of Strange's clothes and placed it on the nightstand alongside his watch.

I walked out of my room and Steve was outside of my room. "Oh, Steve. Morning." I said quickly closing the door behind me so he didn't see anything he wasn't supposed to. Steve was incredibly obsessive over me since our relationship. "What don't you want me to see?" He asked and i gulped and looked into his dark blue eyes, "What do you mean Rogers, i'm just closing my door." I said and watched Steve's hand attempt to grip the doorknob but i held it shut before he could open it.

"What are you hiding?" He asked stepping closer to me, his chest was pressed up against mine and my back was against the door. I could feel Steve's heartbeat against my chest.

ba dum... ba dum... ba dum... ba dum...

"Rogers, i do suggest that you back away from Anthony." I heard a smooth voice say. Steve grabbed me by the shoulders and flung me over to Stephen who caught me. Stephen wrapped me up in his arms and glared at Stephen. "You're going to wish you never did that." He said and i noticed an orange glare form over his eyes.

"Oh yeah! Like what?!" Steve said in a domineering tone of voice. Stephen stayed silent for a while and Steve laughed "Exactly what i thought. Pathetic." He spat and began to walk away, Stephen's hand quickly moved and formed a box right in front of where Steve was walking causing him to trip and fall face flat onto the ground.

I burst out laughing and Steve growled, he got up and ran with his fist pulled back towards Stephen and me. As Steve's fist extended Stephen made another small movement of his hand causing Steve to completely freeze, which was just as well because Steve's fist was literally a centimetre away from Stephen's face.

"Now that problem is fixed, let's get you some breakfast." Stephen said and looked at me, the blue-green pools of beauty swirled as he smiled. My heart started racing as i moved closer to him and connected our lips in a tender and sweet kiss. We broke apart slowly allowing our lips to become cold again, Stephen grinned. "What?" I asked and he pointed at Steve, "He can still see and hear us." I laughed again and grabbed Stephen's collar pulling him into a deeper kiss.

This time we stayed there for a while. As we were kissing, i allowed one hand to leave Stephen's body in order to flip off Steve. Stephen suddenly dipped me causing me to squeak a little and wrap my arms around him which pulled our bodies closer.

"Get a room!" I heard Clint shout from down the corridor causing me to laugh which stopped the kiss. "Come on Anthony, you need food and nothing more can distract m-" Stephen said but i connected our lips again briefly before we stood back up panting slightly. "Okay, let's go. Erm, what are we going to do about him?" I asked and Stephen looked at Steve, "The spell will wear off soon." He said and i nodded.

We walked downstairs and into the kitchen where half of the team were sitting, "Ugh, can't leave food alone for five minutes." Stephen mumbled so that only i could hear it. I looked over at Thor and Clint who had both stolen the cooked breakfast that Stephen had made. He walked over to the stove and busied himself with some eggs.

"Morning all." I said, walking over to where the dining table sat. "How is everyone?" I asked and Thor bellowed, "Good friend Stark, i am good to hear you are no longer in pain." I looked at him confused and he said, "There was lots of groaning and other pain-showing sounds coming from your room last night." I felt my cheeks flush and Bruce and Nat started laughing. Poor Thor didn't understand what he had just said.

I heard Stephen cough as to hide his own embarrassment before he walked over to the table with two plates of food for both me and him. He used his magic to give me a mug of coffee with '#1 Dad' written on it and to place his own teacup into his hands. He gave me a soft peck on the cheek before sitting the plates down on the table and taking a seat himself, i stayed standing and took a bite of food, "This is delicious Stephy." I said and went red as the other's surely heard me call him this.

"Stark, sit down. I'm sure you're exhausted after all the pain you were in." Bruce, Clint and Nat were all laughing now. "I can't." I mumbled and Thor looked at me oddly, "What?" He asked and i spoke louder, "I can't... My ass hurts." I said and Stephen spit his tea out all over himself, "Ahh fuck this is hot!" He said before using his magic to clean himself up and stop the burning. Clint was on the floor clutching his sides as tears ran down his face from laughing.

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