2-"Her Sworn Enemy: Marijauna"

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Marykate's POV

I woke up to the overwhelming scent of marijauna.

I groaned and slapped a hand over my nostrils. I don't have anything against weed necessarily, I've just never exactly loved the smell of it. In fact, I've always disliked the smell with a passion. It may or may not have to do with the fact that both my parents' families are genetically predisposed to mental illness and weed supposedly triggers schizophrenia. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that I am a slight hypochondriac. Nope. Not at all.

The scent alone can't trigger schizophrenia though, right?


I curled back up under my covers. It's not like I could make the smoke dissipate. I didn't even know where it was coming from. Besides, I had to wake up early tomorrow and needed all the sleep I could get. It wouldn't be worth getting up and try—

A fresh breeze from the open doors brought in a new cloud of dank smoke. I whipped my covers off and stormed onto my balcony.

Anyone who knows me even semi-well, understands that I, Marykate Peters am not a morning person. Let alone middle-of-the-night person. Especially when being awoken by the scent of my sworn enemy, marijuana.

So, it was only natural that when my eyes landed on the boy toking it up on the balcony next door, I was so aggravated I nearly saw red.

"This is a public establishment!" I whisper-shouted. Unlike a certain next-door-neighbor pothead I understood that the hotel was public and didn't want to risk waking anyone up by unleashing my full fury.

It was dark, so I couldn't see his face. I could only see him flinch and drop his joint to the ground.

"That's right! Put it out. Have some respect. You know, I have no problem with weed. But your smoke was coming into my room and pal, I am biologically predisposed to sch—"

Suddenly, the boy leaped onto my balcony.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, my eyes wide as I took his presence in. He'd just jumped about five feet. Of course I'd be shell shocked. It had nothing to do with the fact he had a halo of curly hair and moon-like eyes and was possibly the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eye—

"Shh. Keep it down," he said frantically, putting a finger to my lips, which, despite his looks, were still readying themselves to lecture him.

"What do you want from me, huh? You want a selfie? A kiss?"

I pulled back, confused.

"Uh. What?" I asked, laughing nervously. He had to be joking. As hot as he was, he was a complete stranger. Why would I want either of those things?

Besides, he probably had weed breath.

"A date," he said, ignoring my obvious obliviousness. "Several dates? I'll meet your friends, pretend to be your boyfriend, I'll do anything, just. Please, I beg you. Don't tell anyone."

"Uh, I can't say I desire a dat—"

The moon eyed boy gripped my shoulders, eyes wide with utter fear.

"Please," he nearly sobbed. "Don't tell any0ne."

"Uh," I repeated, eyebrows furrowing. "I wasn't going to—"

"Good, good, good," he muttered. Before I knew it, he was leaping back onto his balcony like a big, blonde cat.

"Tomorrow, 7pm! I'll pick you up. Just stay quiet."

And he was gone. Leaving me confused and alone on my balcony, with a date scheduled with a stranger for tomorrow evening.

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