×For you×

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"For you I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad..
For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt..
I wish love was perfect as love itself..
I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden..
I grew a flower that can't be bloomed in a dream that can't come true.."

Yeosang tossed and turned in his bed,hearing the voice of a man singing somewhere.The brown haired boy stood up and rubbed his sore eyes,his ears perking up at the low tone of the man's voice.It sounded so beautiful but awfully sad..destroyed..

Yeosang looked outside the window,assuming that the voice came from within the woods.He continued listening to the voice,feeling his heart sink.The pain was obvious in the unknown voice,making him feel sympathetic towards whoever sang.

He spent all night trying to decode the message behind the song.To Yeosang,it definitely had a deeper meaning than what he initially thought of.It couldn't be just a breakup.It sounded way meaningful than a simple breakup.

Something about love was certain.The male singing the song wanted it to be perfect.He wanted his weaknesses to be hidden and he was definitely pretending to act strong for someone.But who? And why?

Yeosang didn't know why he cared so much about it.Maybe it was just a random teenager in love who was trying to confess.So why did he desperately want to find out the meaning behind the song? He didn't really know but there was something to it that stirred his curiosity.

"What could have possibly hurt you..?" he unconsciously blurted out,staring at the dark woods.

The moonlight ghosted over his pale face,emphasizing his breathtaking features.

The voice had been ringing in his ears for quite a while now and he wanted to find out who exactly sang and why was he the only one hearing the song.

"Grandfather? Are you available?" Yeosang asked,taking a seat in front of his grandfather.

The old man raised his head from his newspaper and nodded,curious of what his grandson wanted.He took his glasses off and took a sip of his warm tea as Yeosang cleared his throat and began talking.

"There is something I want to know.Lately,I've been hearing a voice.A man singing deep in the woods everynight at midnight.Can you hear him as well?" Yeosang asked nervously,hoping for a positive answer.

An unsettling silence fell over them at the mention of an all too familiar situation.The old man's crinkled eyes met the younger's,only thickening the nervousness inside Yeosang.

"So it happened already.." he sighed and set down his cup of tea , "I hoped that it wouldn't happen so soon.."

Yeosang arched an eyebrow and seeked for a better answer.

"What do you mean? Can you hear the song as well?" he pressed further.

"You are the only one who can hear it.Him,at least.." his grandfather's expression hardened,clearly not wanting to continue the conversation.

"Can you please tell me more? What do you mean?"

Yeosang's interest grew bigger and he needed to know everything.

"Listen carefully,Yeosang.Whatever you do,do not try to search for him.He is not human." the old man's voice lowered to a whisper.

Yeosang's eyes widened,not quite believing what he heard.

"Not human? Then what is he? And why am I the only one who can hear him?" the younger asked nervously,growing more curious with each moment spent in silence.

With a bit of hesitation,his grandfather cleared his throat,not sure how to speak in the most calm manner possible in order not to scare the boy.

"A demon.He attracts his chosen one with a typical song,making his victim come to him in order for his soul to be devoured.Since you are the only one hearing his voice,it means that you are the chosen one.Once you hear his song you become attracted to it.However,there is one way to avoid meeting your end."

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