Part 16 The Walk

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Will awoke from a dreamless sleep, she still felt tired but better than before. Stretching in place, she chose to turn around and see if the prince was awake; she still felt bad over the things she had said to him. Rolling over, she kept her eyes closed and felt for his hand or chest but felt nothing except empty space. Her eyes snapped open and he was gone; however, his side of the bed was still warm so he couldn't have gone far. Sitting up, she listened and even called his name, but he did not reply. With growing worry, Will got out of bed and into the hallway hoping Diana had taken him back to the operating room to pull the stitches. Closing her eyes, she pictured him in her mind and took three steps forward; when she opened them, she found Diana leading Phobos slowly through the hallways. Diana immediately noticed Will behind them and smiled. "Oh, Will you are awake. Your friend asked to walk for a bit, and I allowed it."

"Oh, great but why didn't you wake me and let me know? I got a little worried."

"You were asleep, and he did not want me to wake you, so we left you to sleep." At this point, Phobos turned to face Will and gave her a weak smile. Will returned the smile before returning to Diana.

"I appreciate what you are doing, but may I take your spot I would like to talk with him for a bit." Diana looked back and forth between Will and Phobos for a second before agreeing.

"Alright, all I am doing is walking slowly beside him so he can lean against me when he needs to. However, keep the walk short and no fast movements. The wounds, though healing, as still fresh and he will lose his energy quickly. If you think he is too shaky, regardless of what he says, put him back to bed." Will nodded and Diana transferred him to her shoulders before leaving.

"So, you can talk again?" Will looked up at him and held his hand, expecting to hear his voice in her head again, but this time he opened his mouth and responded in a dry, cracking voice that could not be comfortable to speak with.


"How about we continue communicating with your voice in my head until your throat is properly healed up."

"I can agree with that." He responded in her mind and simply gave her a weak smile. Will smiled back and began to help him down the hallway; as they walked, the awkward silence grew to an unbearable point. Last nights conversation was still fresh in Will's memory and she couldn't simply pretend it had never happened.

"I am sorry about what happened last night."

"I know, you were upset."

"It is not just that. I didn't mean what I said about coming too late." While he is leaned against her shoulder, she starts fiddling with her nails and stares at the ground. "I don't actually hate you...well, I don't hate you anymore. I don't really know how to feel about you since I don't know enough about you- "

"And what you do, you hate." He continued. This sent a chill down Will's back and her grip on his hand tightened. Why are you here with me instead of fixing the fractured relationship between you and your friend?"

"She isn't the one who was stabbed and almost died," Will replied, trying to lift the mood. "Besides, I doubt she would even listen to me at this point."

"Perhaps your other friends could act as a mediator?"

"She wouldn't listen to them either. She thinks I am a traitor and that anyone who sides against her is one too. She yelled at Irma for asking about the wedding."

"Might I ask why your friend, Irma, is hoping of our marriage?" He then thought for a moment and laughed, "Wait, she was the one who instructed me on what to do once married?"

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