Part 24 The Arrival

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Will woke up the next morning before her alarm and completely alone. For a moment, she just looked at the empty space next to her; she had fallen asleep shortly after mother left and did so alone, had she been alone all night? This couldn't be, the prince had slept by her side every night since she discovered his poisoning; surely he had come after she fell asleep and she had missed him. Carefully, she touched the pillow beside her, it was cold and clearly untouched. Furthermore, there was absolutely no sign of anyone having slept beside her. How could this be? Surely he was about to keel over with agony at this point. Perhaps something important happened in Meridian and he was held up? Will hoped so and hoped that she would soon see him later that day.

She got dressed and left for school, her mother was sleeping in; the previous evening had absolutely drained her, and she had dipped a little deeper into the Meridian wine than she should have. Will didn't mind it though, she knew her mother was in shock. If anything, she was relieved that Susan was still asleep; if she had been awake, Susan might have been never let Will go. School was quiet, her friends were happily chatting about spring-break plans during lunch. They were enthralled to hear of Will's plan to stay in Meridian during the break to plan the wedding and have a dress fitted for her. Irma begged to taken along.

"Please take me along with you! I can fit into your suitcase if needed." Irma gave Will her best impression of puppy eyes. Will simply laughed it off. They were her friends, but they weren't her husband's friends and she didn't feel comfortable bringing them along without telling him.

"Irma, I will ask him if you guys can visit and help. I am sure he will agree since I planned to invite all of you to the wedding. I just need to ask him ahead of time, since it is his castle and kingdom. I don't want to be rude. I will promise you three are the first to know when you guys can come." Irma over-dramatically slouched, and Hay-Lyn playfully tapped her shoulder.

"Irma, it is Will's wedding, not yours. We will be reunited before you know it."

"Besides, we are invited to the wedding." Added Taranee and turned to Will, "So, you are getting married now, right?" she raised a worried eyebrow.

"Yeah, I am firm on my decision."

"You were questioning your decision?" Irma gasped in a slightly louder, than intended, voice.

"What does your mother have to say about this?" Hay-Lyn asked, giving Irma's arm a light pinch to keep her quiet. The girls did not need the attention of the whole school.

"I did have a few doubts and my mother is...well, less than thrilled." Will began to nervously fettle with her thumbs. "She met him last evening, he was invited for dinner so mom could meet him, and I think she went into shock. She wanted to call the cops, but that would have gone nowhere. Let's just hope she will let me go this evening when I get pick up."

At this, the girls naturally giggled; imagining Susan nearly fainting when Will introduced her mother to her fiancé. The girls had their care-free laughs and school went on as usual. At the end of the day, Will returned home to find her mother and Dean waiting for her in the living room; both with worried expressions on their faces. Will was inwardly panicking. "Mom, is everything alright?"

"Will, you mother has informed of some very serious matters. - "Dean explained in a calm voice. Will still inwardly screamed. Luckily, as Dean was about to add anything more, there came a knock on the door and Susan shrank into the sofa. Will knew who it was and why her mother reacted like this.

"I'll get it," Will replied before the adults could react and opened the door to find...Eric from the bookstore?

"Wilhelmina Vandom, I am here to guide you back to Meridian where the prince awaits your arrival." Inwardly, Will was mortified to discover that Eric was Lord Cedric in human form. Furthermore, he knew where she lived and who her mother was. If she had any remaining doubts about this marriage, there was absolutely no way to back out of this without endangering her family. Phobos might remain level headed and agree to an alternative, but Lord Cedric was a loyal fanatic.

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