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*Sans' POV*

I sat at my post halfway asleep. Before you know it a girl passes by.

Dang, she is HOT!

My thoughts raced as I teleported in front of her.

"Hiya sweethe-" I was cut off by her rushing up and giving me a hug.

"I missed you!" She cried.

Memories flooded through out me. My thoughts were clouded then swept away by this mad rush. I felt my soul pound. A tear gently slid down my cheek bone.

"F-frisk? You c-came b-back?" I stuttered softly.

"I came back 'cause olive you Sans." Frisk replied softly.

I chuckled and hugged her back. I guess she really did love me if she came back after..... Never mind. The only thing that matters is her.

"Olive you too sweetheart." I smirked.

We pulled away from eachother.

"I guess I have to face Papyr-" Before she could finished her sentence she was interrupted by a loud gasp.

"Sans there is a human!!!" Papyrus growled in a nauseating way.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

"Boss I think tha-" I was again cut off by Frisk.

But this time she ran to Papyrus and hugged him. I stood stiffly, waiting for the worst to happen. But nothing  ever came. Papyrus' eyes softened and he hugged Frisk back.

"Hello old friend." Papyrus said in a softer voice.

wtf just happened?

*The Magical Time sk- Sans quit drinking all of my mustard!!! Omg did you just throw it at me??? You are gonna fuc-*

"So you know Frisk?? Before I have ever known her??" My voice was shrill and drunken after drinking several bottles of mustard.

"Sans it was a different timeline. And apparently I gave him memories from both timelines." Frisk explained to me for the 5th or 16th time.

I nodded as my head began to feel fuzzy.

*3rd Person POV*

Sans scooted up next to Frisk making her feel very, very uncomfortable. Sans then pulled her on to his lap. Frisk struggled to get away but failed miserably in the  process of doing so. Then Sans tried to kiss Frisk.

"Papyrus!! Help!!" Frisk yelled before having her lips smashed against Sans' teeth.

Papyrus rushed into the room only to see his brother coming on to Frisk.

"Sans!! What the hell are you doing??!" Papyrus yelled pulling Frisk away from Sans.

"Aww... Come on boss...." Sans cooed while trying to grab at Frisk.

"Go to bed. Your drunk Sans." Papyrus snapped making both Sans and Frisk wince.

Sans shrugged his shoulder and teleported to somewhere else. Frisk sat back down and put her head in her hands. She was trying to hide her growing blush. But again failed at that also.

"What did Sans do to you Frisk?" Papyrus asked softly while sitting down next to her.

"That is what I have been asking myself." Frisk sighed in frustration.

She felt like she was having and internal battle with her thoughts. And so far the side about her loving Sans was winning. Papyrus carefully put his hand on Frisk's back trying to comfort her. Instead she just jumped and laughed nervously. She was turning into an awkward duck.

"Heh.... I'm gonna sleep on the couch now." Frisk told Papyrus quickly.

Papyrus understood and left Frisk alone. Slowly Frisk drifted off to sleep.

*Another time ski- Oh shut up Sans! I don't care if your head hurts! You deserved it! **sigh** Another ti- god dam-*

Frisk woke up and felt unusually warm. She looked over to see Sans was spooning her. Frisk was internally screaming as she turned back over. Sans shifted his position so his face was only an inch from Frisk's face. She felt the need to just scoot away slowly. So she did, inch by inch. But then things didn't go out as planned and she fell on the floor with a large thump. Sans immediately woke up with a gasp. He looked over at Frisk and froze.

"Wh-what happened last night?" Sans asked rubbinhlg the back of his skull.

"You got drunk then you kissed me. And you got very handsy." Frisk calmly explained, getting off the floor.

Sans felt his soul pound at the thought of kissing Frisk.

"Would it be okay if I were to try again?" Sans asked slyly.

Frisk shrugged her shoulders and sat next to Sans. He gently chopped her cheek. They both leaned in for a kiss.....

"What are you two doing??!!" Papyrus exclaimed at the top of the stairs.

Both Sans and Frisk jumped away from each other. Frisk slightly shook while Sans coughed and looked away. Frisk looked back at Sans and sigh.

"You know what?? F*ck it." Frisk said out loud.

She grabbed Sans then turned him around. She then pressed herself against his teeth. Sans was in shock but slowly melted into the kiss himself. Slowly the two pulled away and smiled. Frisk was blushing deeply.

Sans felt his soul pound again but this time harder.

"I love you." Sans and Frisk said in unison.

Papyrus was fangirling in the background. Silently he was screaming 'omg' over and over again.


♥ The End ♥


Yeah!! Another story made!!!

Don't worry about Sans.... He is getting medical help.

All I did was "tap" him on the back of the head. Then he started bawling his eyes out saying I hit him......

I might of done that........ Just a tiny hit.......... Or a bigger one...... He deserved it!

Oh no..... I'm under attack by angry fan girls!!! Save me!!!

We are having some technical difficulties right now...... So I'm gonna be your new author until you fan girls stop tryin' to murder KattinaKitt!!!

If you loved this amazin' story than vote for it!!!

If you liked it comment!! So you can tell KattinaKitt what is wrong....

If you hate it....... You are gonna have a BAD TIME!!


~Fell Frisk ♥ ♥

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