T is for trauma

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I screwed up

A year ago
It was a windy day in November . You were in the bathroom bandaging your bruised arm when you suddenly heard a glass bottle crash , only one explanation your father is drunk, you didn't bother to check it , getting dressed up for work was difficult due to the variety of bruises on your body, you went to work avoiding your dad on the way down but the words of your kept repeating in your head " if anyone sees them, tell them you fell" you brushed them off and headed to work, you worked in a little coffee shop called 'lunar', not many visited but its business was still thriving. You arrived and prepared your area [you are the cashier] "Good morning Y/n" your boss greeted grinning "Good morning sir!" You replied smiling "How are you today? You look kinda gloomy" the boss asked out of worry "I'm fine sir,thank you for asking" and like that you continued your shift
{after the shift}
You closed down the shop and headed to the nearest store to get food , the lights dimmed on the street , the moon was shining, you were walking when suddenly a car sped up out of nowhere and almost bumped into you but he Stopped it at the right time , he got out "are you okay?!" He asked scanning you " I'm fine" you replied reassuring him , he finally got a good look on you " miss?" He said "yes?" You replied curiously, the streetlights hitting his face " did I see you before?!" He asked " I'm not sure , what's your name ?" You asked trying to remember "Jungkook , Jeon Jungkook" he said leaning to shake your hand " Y/n" you said shaking his hand , suddenly his watch rand "oh , I have to go but can I have your number ? " you nodded and typed the number in his phone "I'll see you around" he says as he gets in the car "see you" he waved and left , you got your food and went back home where you saw your father sitting on the kitchen table , his eyes glaring at you full of hate "where were you?!" He asked trying to contain his terrifying anger " w-work" you tell stuttering, you always saw him in this state but it's usually when he's completely drunk , he's just tipsy right now "UNTIL THIS HOUR" there it was the anger he's been holding back "I-I needed to close the shop" you replied shaking "I TOLD YOU TO LET YOUR BOSS DO IT " he said approaching you "he needed to go back to his family " you replied now tears forming in your eyes , his eyes were glaring , they almost shone bright red and finally he slapped forcefully you making you fall on the ground , he continued by kicking you which led to you coughing, searching for air , he kept kicking you until you were half-unconscious "DON'T TALK BACK TO ME YOU WORTHLESS BRAT" he went back to the kitchen table , you went back to your room , not bothering to do anything, you just cried yourself to sleep .

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