Human again

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You woke up due to the lightness hitting your eyes , you opened your eyes to see jungkook on his phone texting someone, it was still dark { what is he doing at this hour} you thought furrowing his eyebrows "Oh sorry did I wake you? I was trying to lower the brightness " He said messaging your little frown , he turned off his phone " it's fine " You replied tightening your hug " you know you smell really nice" he chuckled "thank you I guess" you giggled into his chest "you're very endearing when you sleep Especially when you talk in your sleep, who could've thought a person could do aegyo in their sleep !" He stated giggling causing you to blush fiercely, suddenly he changed your blanket position " if you steal my blanket, I'm going to put my cold feet on you" you threatened, hanging into him " then let's share this very very wide blanket!" He exclaimed putting the blanket over you , he climbed in the bed and caressed you hair "your hair is really soft " he said playing with it , you groaned " what are you doing?!" You said looking at him "shhh stop fussing I'm just trying to braid your hair, it's really hard" you giggled at his confused face, resting your head on his chest you said " you are my new pillow now , you cannot escape me kookie" she did an evil laugh and Jungkook burst out laughing " YOURE SO CUTE" he said and hugged you " kookie?" You pouted " yes baby?" He replied " sing for me" you commanded rather cutely he agreed and began singing 'there for you' you drifted to sleep soon after , leaving jungkook looking at your face, you've had a few cuts , he traced them and kissed them , he drifted to sleep looking at your face .
You woke up slowly getting out of bed , Jungkook was awake trying to find something in his closet to wear "kookie , I want to take a hoodie, can I?" You asked pointing to a black hoodie smelling it " sure" he said and you changed into it and a pair of leggings, you changed and got out of the bathroom "your bed head is really cute" your eyes widened and you tidied yourself in the first mirror you could see "I'm going to make breakfast cutie" you nodded and went to help him , you went to do the dishes "we can do it together " he said and helped you and you both cleaned the house after that he baked a really weird treat and you refused to eat it he kept urging you to eat "don't be stubborn, try it" you finally caved in and to say it was delicious was an understatement, you couldn't describe the taste "woah that's so delicious cook kook" you said and he smiled in victory "thank you" . You both were sitting on the couch , Jungkook was playing overwatch "let me give you a back rub" you said and started messaging him , he relaxed and stopped the game "Y/n?" He said " yes?" "What happened yesterday why were you all bloody?" He asked eyes full of worry "l-l...." you broke down , your tears messing up your makeup, he pulled you in a hug and rubbed your back "you don't have to tell me if you feel pressured " " I don't but I don't know what to say" you said and wiped your tears, you began forming weak sentences explaining it to him , he was furious yet kept comforting you "oh god y/n you're never going back you're staying with me I'll always be here to protect you " he said cupping your cheeks "thank you kookie, I need to tell you something " you were interrupted by his phone ringing "sorry it's my hyung" he said and he said and answered the phone " oh I'm late for practice, we'll talk over dinner" he said and went to the door and blew and exaggerating kiss and went out you spent the day stressing for his arrival your dad tried to contact you several times but you ignored him later at night you were sitting in the balcony watching the stars when someone entered and hugged you from behind "I'm home" he said " I have something to tell you he said " me too" " okay on 3 1....2....3" he counted " you're my love" you both said and hugged each other " will you be my girlfriend?" He asked holding you " yes!!" You replied hanging into him like a koala "can I kiss you?" You kissed him suddenly and he kissed you back and you gazed at the stars together for the rest of the night.

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