And the verdict is...?

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Jungkook has been discharged from the hospital and you both prepared for the trial; you weren't gonna lie, it's been nerve-wrecking but you managed to do it with jungkook by your side, it was the day of the trial, you were anxious, you changed into your formal attire and did everything, you were sitting on the couch waiting for Jungkook to finish and for Namjoon to arrive, after they're all we're ready, you headed for court where you saw your father cuffed with his lawyer beside him checking some papers. The trial started and at first pointless points were thrown around, Jungkook gave his best point of view and so did Namjoon, you went up to give your point of view "I was a normal girl dreaming of success, love. All my interest were on meeting new friends in school, playing. My world was shattered when he finally told me the truth about my mother I was a little child back then but he gave me information even an adult couldn't handle which was the murder of my own mother, I thought mom traveled so we couldn't see her but he told me she was murdered by a very aggressive, cold man. He began bringing unfamiliar girls home, I didn't know them I lived to please my dad since I've seen him angry since I was born I worked hard on my grades and did the best but whenever I would do something wrong he would slap me, the abuse or physical harm if you'd like started early when I was a freshman he didn't like anything I did and he would get drunk and wasted the physical abuse turned to a mental one calling me worthless or telling me that deserve nothing but that's the time I met Jungkook and now I'm here" you said slightly tearing up they showed the video and the jury gave him the guilty verdict. It finished with your father going to jail for many years, you were finally happy.
{after a few months}
You were sitting on the couch watching the news, Jungkook was in the bedroom writing songs ' A criminal Y/F/N escaped prison today and killed four girls aged 14-17 the police don't know how they were killed but they suspect suffocating since there were marks on their necks that's all we know I'm lee jeonwoo thank you for watching our channel ' after you heard that you broke down crying, jungkook running to you "What's wrong?!" He hugged you "m-my father he escaped and killed four girls it's all my fault I screwed up" he rubbed your back " no  it's not " he continued to do that until the police called you and told you to go to the police station, Jungkook drove you and they led you to the interrogation room, your father was on the other side of the glass he was confessing, he looked tired and weak , he confessed to killing you mother because she cheated on him and got pregnant with you , he didn't like you and he didn't want to put you up for adoption not to ruin his reputation he also killed these girls out of anger , the prosecutor left this case to the court and he was imprisoned for a life sentence you paid respect to the families of the victims and you started therapy you lived happily with jungkook knowing your world is safe

The End

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