Your luffy's physical brother he also relatively going to have the same thing as my other story The elemental emperor as your abilities plus the abilities of chroma from Warframe but you're going to see the development of both your crew and your rom...
I made my way to where I could sense the ship for my ship was different than most for it had the spirit of the ship inside of it and could be an actual person. I could see it in the distance (ship up top but longer and has two rows of cannons below and one above deck) along with the three new crew members I could tell they are probably as strong as vice admirals.
"So you actually stayed that's a first. Normally the people I want to recruit just book it. Anyway get on board I'm really tired from fighting the admiral and the other two are bound to be hear soon.And I can't defeat all three in one day. You can tell what your names are on the way to Amazon Lilly." I said to them I'm guessing they thought I was just going to do a trick the book it against an admiral. If so what did they think the explosions where.
We are on are way to Amazon Lilly and it's time to introduce each other
"What's your names and are you in any pirate crews" I asked since I'll take them to there captains if they are.
The largest one spoke first
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"I am know as the crimson dragon the head captain of the red dragon fleet. Or Gregory Blackiron"
Then the one next to him who is admittedly pretty hot spoke next
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"I am the crimson death. The captain of the 4 largest fleet in the world right above my brother here." She said as she pat Gregory on the back. "I'm Cecilia Blackiron by the way what's yours handsome"
"I'll tell you after I learn his name"
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