Thats My Kiku!

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//Ha!!! HAAAA!!! Meh first hetalia fanfic!! Vote this! VOTE THIS!!!

Yao's P.O.V

I sighed in boredness. Toda's really boring since kiku was just sleeping on my bed. I had a sudden memory on how we get to be together. You see, He's my neighbour. He's the first guy to greet me when I moved here. Then we became friends and I just felt like I love him. just that. He's also my classmate at school. Where I get to be the guy that everyone was afraid of. Its not that I liked it anyway. So this is how me and kiku got together.. You see....


I was sitting in my room I glanced at the wall clock. 1 am. I can't sleep because of my thought of Kiku... So I just have to tell him. I'll tell him. I'LL TELL HIM!!!

I sneaked out of the house then ran across the street where Kiku's house is. I threw a pebble at his window. The first and second time didn't work. But the third time woke him up. He peeked out of the window with the questioned look on his face. He's rubbing his eye. Which looks adorable. Every part of his whole being is adorable. Other people just couldn't see that. "Yao? what the heck are you doing here? Its 1 in the morning!" He whispered loudly so he wouldn't wake anyone.

"I have something to tell you! and now!!" I whispered back as loud as he did. His face looked curious. "It seems important. Wait for me there. I'll open the front door." He said and slid down his window. A few minutes later, he opened the door.

"What is it Yao?" He asked curiously. I froze. How could I tell him? How?? How?? "Y-yao?" I couldn't say anything! Wait... "Y-Yao!!" Actions are better than words right? So.. I stepped forward and leaned over to kiss him.

As I did, I felt him gasp. then he froze. This scared me. Does he not like me?

and then I was shocked.


Its a good thing right? right. After we pulled out I saw him blush madly. "U-umm you s-see kiku, i ... I liked you... a lot." I stuttered while looking away.

I noticed him smile. "I... I liked you too... Yao." Am I hearing something that I wanted to hear?! is this true?

"Really?!" I felt excited this time. He likes me... No, he LOVES ME!!

I then felt his warm arms wrap around me. "Yes.. I love you Yao.."

I smiled then hugged back "I love you too kiku."

FLASHBACK END! 3 Years Later.

That's how it happened. But still, he insists that we should keep our relationship a secret. I wonder why. He was even picked on at school but he never let's me fight for him. Weird.

I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me. Kiku. "G'morning sleepy head!" I yelled smiling. "Yao.. its 3pm." He said chuckling. "But it felt like morning.!" I said. I felt a kiss on my cheek and smiled. "Love you Yao! see ya later. I'll just make us some snacks.!" Then he left. I'm still thinking about that situation though.. Why doesn't he want me to protect him?

He'll tell me when its time. I know Kiku wouldn't hide anything from me. I mean.. we've been together 3 years. We promised that we won't keep any Secrets from each other. So its okay. Thats Kiku...

That's MY Kiku after all.

//HA!!! AIYAAAAAHH!!! Took me 30 mins. to do this! please vote!

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