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      OLENA CALLIOPE KRAVCHENKO was the daughter of the son of ukrainian immigrants, and she was taught by her babusya - her grandmother - how to cook ukrainian dishes, to speak, read, and write ukrainian, and how to blend in with americans. she liked to write at the top of her papers and watch as her teachers struggled to pronounce, "олена кравченко," because, even though they knew her name and knew it was her, for some reason they wanted to butcher what they saw.

      olena calliope kravchenko was the daughter of the daughter of greek immigrants, and she was taught by her yaya - her grandmother - how to cook greek dishes, to speak, read, and write in greek, and how to blend in with americans. olena sometimes liked to simply title her social media pages with her middle name and watched as her inboxes were flooded with questions on what and how to pronounce, "καλλιόπη."

      olena calliope was named as such because olena translated to "sunlight," as "calliope" was the muse of poetry and eloquence in greek mythology.

      to alexandria and kostyantyn kravchenko, olena was everything. alexandria and kostyantyn fell in love in university, marrying at a courthouse shortly after graduation, both with degrees in english, both soon after getting jobs at a publishing house. they struggled for many years with trying to have a family of their own, the timing never just right until six wonderful years later.

      olena calliope kravchenko was born early on a sunny pennsylvania morning on the fourth of march in nineteen eighty-three at three fourteen in the morning. she was six pounds, eleven ounces, and eighteen inches long.

      olena calliope went through her years of elementary school trying to stay under the radar, but as she reached high school she knew that wasn't going to be possible. the invisible introvert became this bright and colourful ambivert. she had an opinion and comment for everything, and adored being in the spotlight - in a positive manner, that is. as she graduated high school and entered college, she decided to start writing, becoming an english major with a minor in the arts.

      olena calliope never intended to be caught on the world's stage. sure, she wanted her name to be known, but she figured that wouldn't be until after death. what she never could have possibly anticipated was being so forthright in the public. but such was her life, and such was what she accepted.

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