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      THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT reconnecting with the person you once considered to be the love of your life that makes you feel whole again.

      when joseph walked in to the starbucks that day, his eyes were immediately drawn to olena. she sat in the corner, two coffees in front of her - one for him and one for her.

      when joseph walked in to the starbucks that day, olena immediately looked up, having had some sort of sense that he was there.

      when joseph walked in to the starbucks that day, he sat down across from someone who had morphed into a perfect stranger and left with someone who he could've sworn he never once skipped a beat with.

      when joseph walked in to the starbucks that day, he entered as a lonely heart and left as a full soul.

      olena's trip to new york was supposed to be only a matter of days, there to attend and take part in new york fashion week. as the days of pointless, useless clothing burned into nothing, the flame between her and joseph grew bigger and brighter than it had ever been. she found herself going home to her pittsburgh apartment, only for joseph to join her a week later.

      from there, it was a large game of back and forth, going from new york to pittsburgh and eventually other cities globally, as each individual had work to attend to all around the world. they grew close again with each other's families, as she was also introduced to his bohemian rhapsody family. she went along with him every time he visited gwilym or benjamin and he went along with her on book tours and paris trips. they made up for time the best they could, bathing each other in all the emotions that had been dammed for years upon years.

      it had been a mere three months after reconnecting that the question came, met with a rushed, "yes!" in a multitude of languages, arms wrapping around each other as tears were shed.

      olena was moving in with joseph, at last.



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liked by benhardy, flowerfloros, and 914,028 others

olliekrav i found my home at last.

tagged: joe_mazzello

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user ohmygod plot twist af
user mom and dad af

mrgwilymlee he told us he was going to pop the question. moving in wasn't exactly the question i was thinking.
user disappointed slightly that it wasn't the actual question
joe_mazzello what do you mean the actual question, it's been three months gwil
user th-three months
user but also remember they dated before sis this reconnect was probably like reattaching a limb

joe_mazzello home sweet home live laugh love in this house we love our family haha
user i'm -
user joe, sweetie
benhardy domestic bliss, aye mate?

flowerfloros i'm sorry but how did it go from eating dinner with jurassic park kid to years of radio silence to moving in????
user "jurassic park kid"
user i- what? i feel like i've missed so much, this story has so many holes
olliekrav lots happens when you move to another country, cass

user i love them but yooo whatttttttt is even happeningggggg
user everyone is confused. it's a thing.

orionsbelt get married already geez !
user orion doing god's work
olliekrav orion we've talked about this
joe_mazzello well you see...
user what do they mean ?!?!?!?!?!?


olena (ollie)
joseph (joe baby)

hi i found a large box of old photos if 
you'd like to come over and take a 
sneak peak ?

joe baby
i'm in the living room

what do you mean "come over"


come over from the living room to the bedroom

maybe even help me unpack! lol

joe baby
yes, yes, i'm on my way

concept: we unpack everything and
THEN we look through the pictures.

okay, deal

also remember that gwil is coming 
over for dinner tonight and to help go 
back to the old apartment to move 
out and donate the big items i won't 

joe baby
why are you still texting me

look up from your phone

i'm right in front of you


easy come, easy go ⇾ joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now