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      "DO YOU REMEMBER THIS?" olena held up the photo, showing the picture of joseph in a tux, looking back at whomever had taken the photo, his hair a mess from the wind.

      "of course i remember this," he said lowly, a lump beginning in his throat. "that was possibly the best day of my life; the absolute best decision i've ever made."

      "what's that?" gwilym piped up as ollie and joe shared a kiss.

      "nothing, really," olena tried to brush off.

      "no really, guys, what is it?"

      joseph squeezed his love's knee, giving her a wink. "really, gwil, it's nothing. just something between ollie and i. honest."

      gwilym rolled his eyes at the way they were acting; the way they were close in such a way that you would've thought they never went for any given period without speaking. "why don't you two just get married already?" he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

      "gwilliam," olena rolled her eyes, annoyed. "you realise he and i are already married, correct?"

      he blinked at her, then at joe, then at her again. "you what?"

      "eloped when we were twenty-one, dude," joseph informed.

      "it was our third? third summer together, meeting up for a week at the beach before we had to go back to reality again," olena began the tale, leaning into joseph.

      "it was my idea, of course," he continued. "i couldn't believe it when she agreed."

      "my cousins were with us, of course, and readily volunteered to be our witnesses."

      "i had brought my tux with me just in case i actually asked and she actually agreed. she wore a sundress and had her hair all wavy and soft."

      "he got me a bouquet of wildflowers, tucking some in my hair."

      "what about rings? do you guys even have rings?" gwilym asked, words rushing out of his mouth in disbelief and shock.

      olena produced a chain from beneath her shirt, a thin gold band hanging from it. joseph produced his wallet from his front pocket, pulling out a slightly thicker and bigger band. they shared a teary laugh at the realisation they both kept their rings. "you kept it," she breathed, raising a hand to cup his cheek.

      "of course. that was the best day of my entire life, i told you."

      "what caused you to drift?" gwilym cut through. "to separate, if you will."

      "we got into a fight. i -" olena chuckled - "can't even remember what about, now."

      "we're just both so fucking stubborn," joseph shook his head, letting out a breath. "but i'm so glad we found our way back to each other. and who knows - maybe one day we can have ourselves a proper wedding."

      as olena began to tear up, pulling joseph into a kiss, benjamin came bursting through the door, having ran over the moment he read gwilym's text. "you're what?!"



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liked by joe_mazzello, orionsbelt, and 2,003,934 others

olliekrav do you remember in 2004 when joe and i eloped only to get into a big fight a year later and quit talking to each other? because i do and i'm still not over it.

tagged: joe_mazzello

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joe_mazzello looking forward to one day marrying you for real
mrgwilymlee "marrying you for real" as if eloping is fake marriage
joe_mazzello she knows what i mean
olliekrav i know what he means

user poor ben
lucyboyton1 i don't wanna hear it, gwil didn't even send us the text and we just found out via this post
user i redact my previous statement. poor rami and lucy

user my ship....... was an official ship...... before they were my ship...... ?!?!?!?!?!?!???!
user isn't it wonderful?

user waiting for the day she changes her username uWu



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liked by benhardy, olliekrav, and 1,933,110 others

joe_mazzello she's really not joking - we eloped on a beach vacation and then after the fight we were too stubborn to reach out to one another. but we're gonna work on it because you bet your asses i want to marry her for real

tagged: olliekrav

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user My Heart Physically Cannot

benhardy gwil and i are still shocked

lucyboynton1 rami and i miss so much when y'all neglect to use the group chat hm

olliekrav how many kids u want
joe_mazzello all


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