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"What happened?" I asked stepping forward

"Your parents passed three days after your wedding in a plane crash" He said softly

But I just stood there not believing him as his words repeated in my head

"W-what" I asked looking down now as tears formed in my eyes fast

"We all tried calling both of you and the police tried first but when you wouldn't answer he contacted Grayson but he didn't answer either so they went to the house and i was there and i tried and everyone else did to" He explained but the whole world shut off around me

All I could hear was my crying as I broke down and fell to the floor, feeling Grayson fall next to me and held me close but that only seemed to make me freak out more

I pushed him away not wanting to be touched but he pulled me close again and ran his fingers through my hair

I gave up and cried in his shoulder to weak to fight.

I couldn't believe it. They were just at my wedding. Who knew that would be the last time I would see them.

So many things I regret doing now. Since I moved here I haven't talked to my parents till my wedding.

"Lets go lay down baby" Grayson whispered in my ear then kissed my temple

I nodded and got up with him and walked straight into the house. Not even knowing where I'm going cause I've never been in it before

Until I walked in and saw a trail of red roses going upstairs so i followed it and it led to double doors to I'm guessing the master bedroom

I walked in and saw a candle lit heart shape right in front of the bed

I ignored it and layed in the bed and pulled the covers up to my nose and just cried myself to sleep


"Did they say what caused the crash?" I asked after getting our bags out of the uber car

It was very awkward cause he just witnessed all of that

"They said it could have been sabotaged cause the engine and all the parts were cleared to be safe. Of course it being a private plane it was just them and whoever traveled with them" Ethan explained helping me bring the bags in

"This is all crazy" I said and he nodded with wide eyes

"I'm just worried about Flower cause although she didn't have a close relationship with her parents, I know losing family is hard" He said and I just nodded

I didn't know what to say about anything cause all that was on my mind was her

"Well I'm going to go take care of her, your more than welcomed to stay. You know where your room is" I said he nodded and I made my way upstairs

I walked into the master bedroom and saw her in bed already

I blew the candles out and got into bed with her seeing she fell asleep crying. She had dry tears on her cheeks

I pulled her close and kissed her neck and closed my eyes too just holding her

After a while I woke up seeing she was still asleep so I just layed in bed and turned my phone on

When I did it blew up with notifications making my eyes go wide

I had a total of 123 missed calls and 143 unread messages

I cleared them cause I hate notifications when i heard sniffling

"Grayson why did this have to happen"She cried making my heart hurt for her

"I don't know baby" I said pulling her close to me so she layed her head on my chest

Until my phone went off....

My life(G.D) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now