Chapter 2: New Life

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Name: Akaguro Chizome (Hero Killer: Stain)

Quirk: He can paralyze his target by ingesting samples of their blood. The amount of time a victim is paralyzed for varies depending on blood type, with B having the longest duration, then in decreasing order, B, AB, A, and O. The maximum amount of time anyone can be paralyzed is eight minutes.


Izuku was scared of his new mentor at first, but slowly grew to see him as a sort of father figure. Stain taught him hand to hand combat and treated him well, so he grew to trust him. Stain even told Izuku his real name! It made him feel like his new mentor trusted him.

He looked into the mirror and assessed his new look. He had styled his hair differently and dyed it black, he also wore red contact lenses if he left their hideout. He ran a hand through his hair and left the old bathroom. "Stain, I'm heading out. My first day at school should be fun! Thanks for letting me go." He said, he just heard a grunt come from the villain.

Izuku didn't think his mentor was a bad person, he agreed with Stain's ideals and the way he thought. He just wished he didn't have to kill pro heroes to send his message, but in a world like theirs, it was the only way. So far he hasn't had do any villain work, but he knew he would have to eventually.

He pulled his tie and loosened it, it was too tight for his liking. He kept his head down as he walked, passersby just saw it as him being nervous but he really just didn't want anyone seeing his face just in case he was recognized. The police were still looking for him after all, and his face was plastered all over the news.

He looked around, avoiding eye contact. On a large screen he saw a news broadcast:

'15 year old Izuku Midoriya still missing' Was written right below a picture of him that was taken the day he left his home. Soon the pictures changed to ones of his room after he messed it up, clear evidence of a kidnapping. "The young boy was last seen at his school but never came home according to his mother who contacted the police after seeing the crime scene. Nobody has seen the boy since and there are still no suspects. If you have evidence regarding the case, please call this number-" 

Izuku stopped paying attention, he was happy that the people watching seemed concerned, but he knew they were all happy that it wasn't them who was kidnapped. Little did they know that the boy they were worried for was right in plain sight, if only they were just a little bit smarter.

School went as usual, introducing the class and getting acquainted with their schedules. A typical first day. Izuku took notes on the quirks of his classmates and his teachers, maybe they'd come in handy one day. 


[UA High School]

Bakugou felt weird, he expected the stupid Deku to actually show up at the entrance exams, but his weird feeling was proven to be accurate because when he went home he saw his mom on the phone in tears. "Wh-what do you mean Inko? What could have happened...? Kidnapped?! No way, are you okay? Do I need to come to you?"

He just watched his mother in confusion as she grabbed her purse and began running out the door, of course he followed her so he could get some answers. He ended up seeing Inko Midoriya crying in her lawn, which was surrounded by police cars. "Inko!" His mother ran and hugged the green haired woman.

"Mom, what the hell is going on?" It took all of Katsuki's strength not to cuss since both women were crying.

"Katsuki, Izuku went missing but Inko didn't want to worry us in case he came back...but he's been gone for almost a week. Inko already informed the police and they are launching an investigation. He was kidnapped." Inko kept crying as the blonde woman rubbed circles on her back.

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