Chapter 5

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3rd POV

The whole family was lost without Y/N and Five.

They missed having Y/N's energy around. Hearing her dumb jokes. Her optimism. She was liked by everyone in the academy. The house felt like an incomplete puzzle.

They missed Five's dry sense of humor. His wit. They missed seeing him outsmart the others (mainly Klaus and Diego.) They missed seeing him and Y/N act stupid together.

Everyone knew that if one left, the other would be gone too. The were joined at the hip, always together. Everyone just figured that they ran away on purpose.

Reginald had Pogo track each day they were gone. Day by day, everyone lost more and more hope. Eventually, they knew that they weren't coming back.

The academy was much more quiet after they left. It was like all the energy had been sucked out of it. Y/N was the most energetic. Five wasn't that energetic, but he was when he was with her. Everyone tried to act like nothing happened. Like everything was normal, but there was no point. It just made everything awkward.

Vanya of course was especially lost. Her only true friends weren't around anymore. She would shut herself in her room and play violin all day. She would only come out for meal times (meeeee.)

Klaus was also sad. Him and Five were close. Y/N always understood him. The others would call him annoying or immature, but Y/N never did that. She was always sympathetic and never talked down to him. They were both similar. Always wanting to have fun.

The loss of "The Duo" effected everyone. Each person was upset by them leaving. They all had a different bond with them. No one could imagine living life without Y/N or Five in their presence.

They were gone.




Neither of us slept well. I kept having nightmares and woke up a bunch. Five did too. He would start to fidget and mumble worriedly. I hated seeing him like this, so I would put him to sleep, taking away from my amount of sleep for the night. I knew that if I went to sleep, I would just wake up with nightmares anyway.

I had been awake for a while. I layed in his arms, tightly in his embrace. The air was cold. The wind sent shiver across my body. It had been cold since the fired around us had died down.

The sun was starting to rise. Its blinding rays shined right in front of us. I looked over I saw Klaus laying lifelessly in the dirt. I stared for a second, but quickly looked away in fear of breaking down again.

I looked down and saw our hands still intertwined. His hand started to move. I sat up in the rubble and looked down at his face. He had circles under his eyes from getting barely any sleep.

His eyes started to flinch and they fluttered open. The sun made him squint his eyes. A look of panic crossed his face and he looked at his surroundings. The panic was quickly replaced with a look of disappointment.

"Hey," I said with a saddened expression.

"Hey," he sighed. He let out a slight chuckle.

"What?" I asked.

"I was hoping this was all just a bad dream," he said with a look of defeat. "But I wake up and well, here we are."

"I know," I replied. I didn't know what to say. Of course we had tried time traveling back, but nothing was working. It tired us both out, and eventually we gave up. "At least we aren't alone. We still have each other." I said with a saddened smile.

Umbrella Academy // Number Five x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now