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So um.... I'm just making this to tell you guys that there is actually (I just found out) another Konosuba X Reader story out there that's pretty similar to mine (You could even say the guys kinda copied my idea). I don't  dislike the person for doing that I actually wanna support him. He has potential I can see but he does the story too quickly and doesn't re-check it for typos. You guys can support him if you like his story is called (not too sure) "(Konosuba X Male Reader) The Beautiful New World." it has the same picture as mine.

Also same character age but different info, also has a girl his with, the guys has the same power as mine. And we'll you can find out your self.

Please don't spam hate comments on him I actually wanna see if his story will change from being similar to mine to his own style.

Anyway that's all!

P.S. Also still working on the next chapter look forward to it!

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Hey I'm back and just wanted to say he changed the story. Like the whole story now, so no more worried!

Also he made a new book. If anyone wants to read his works go ahead.

Although he hasn't updated in a long time, so I don't know if he still continues..... Haven't talked to him or her in a long time hehe~

Well that's all I wanted to say..... Farewell!

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