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Hey loves I hope you guys don't get confused, so this is Joeys POV from where Elena and her family bearly moved in.
Joeys POV
I got home from school with some random ass girl from my class , I don't remember her name but she got some big t-

"Hey honey who's this?" my mom asks smiling.

"Uh she's a tutor and we're gonna be upstairs studying. " I say as I'm about to walk away.

"Honey don't forget the we have new neighbors so your gonna have to watch Kashius while me Sophia go meet them" she says

"yea I got it" i say as I walk upstairs with the girl following behind me into my room.

"Tutor?" The girls looks at me " we've been dating for 3 weeks and you can't even introduce me properly?"

My eyes widen a bit as she says that but I just shrug my shoulders and begin to make out with her as it starts to escalate quickly and her shirt is on the ground.

I decided to look up and I see a girl staring at us through the in the house next door shocked so I smirked and gave her something to look at and continue to make out with the girl in my room.

I start to hear Kashius crying so I kicked the girl out and go take care of Kashius.

My mom and Sophia come home and Soph can't stop talking about this Elena girl next door.

"She's really pretty even though she dresses weirdly" Sophia rants.

"Sophia I get it, she's pretty, you liked her, why don't you just ask her out? she sounds like your type" I say smirking.

Sophia glares at me and grabs a pillow throwing it at me.

"your a dick" she says rolling her eyes.

I chuckle and go up to my room and end up falling asleep.

Next day

Kels POV
I woke up to the sun's rays hitting me in the face. I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth along with my hair.

I also woke up extra early to straighten my hair, I usually straighten my hair for special occasions but today I wanna set out a good image , ehh who am I kidding I don't have anyone to impress.

But I still finish straightening my hair and put on a pencil skirt with with a white buttoned up shirt & a cardigan, I like to feel sophisticated.I don't wear any makeup because my eyebrows were already nicely threaded and my eyelashes are long, thick, and curly, I apply lip balm and put on my shoes.

I walk downstairs "mom?" I hear no one "dad?" No response "no way ".

I mutter as I see a note on the kitchen counter it says: 

"Goodmorning sweetie we left you breakfast on the stove, me and your father had an early shift today and we'll be back later tonight Jen offered to take you , well she offered her son to take you , have fun at school today"
                         - Mom

I sigh, Jen's son ? Oh my gosh he gonna think I'm a freak because I saw him making out with the girl yesterday. I start to mentally freak out. I fix my hair and don't even bother to eat breakfast.

I suddenly hear a honk and assume it's Joey, I grab my bag and walk out the front door locking it and I walk to the porsche Taycan, a 2 seater all black car. I open the passenger seat door hoping that it was him and not some random person, my guess was correct I slightly smile and sit in the passenger seat pulling my skirt down.

"Uh hi my name is-" I say. I get interrupted once again. What is it with people and always interrupting me.

"Kelsey, got it" he says as I put on my seatbelt.

"Y-yea" I say nervously as I see half of his face and I'm not gonna lie, he was pretty attractive.

Joey smirks to himself and keeps his eyes on the road " Sophia wouldn't stop ranting about you, so the name stuck" he says as I lightly chuckle at the thought of Sophia.

"My name is Joey" he says as he stops at a red light and turns his head lightly to me while I look straight to the road "your also the stalker girl next door".

My head immediately turns almost causing it to break and my eyes widen "I'm not a stalker, it just happened to be bad timing" I scoff.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Angel" Joey smirks and winks and continues to drive.

Angel? I barely know him and now he's giving me nicknames.I stay silent the rest of the car ride.

We make it to school and he parks his car. I instantly take off my seatbelt. "Thanks for the ride" I mutter as I get out the car closing the door gently behind me with my bag in my hand and start searching for the office.

I barely know him and I could tel- scratch that I KNOW he's so full of himself.

I suddenly bump into a beautiful brunette haired girl as her and I both collapse to the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I say getting up quickly and sticking my arm out offering to help her.

The girl looks at me in disgust " Watch where you're going geek" she says as she gets up on her own.

I stay quiet like always.

She looks at me and laughs "What a waste" one of her friends call her "Lexi come on".
(No hate on Lexi I love her !💞)

So Lexi is her name, great even her name is gorgeous. I find my way to the office and walk to the front desk where a large lady is sitting NO OFFENSE.

"How can I help you" the lady says with quite a bit of some attitude as she doesn't take her eyes off the computer screen .

" uh yes" I read her name tag "Gladis I'm a new student and I'm here to get my schedule". I say politely.

Gladis looks up and fake smiles "Name?"

"Kelsey Calemine" I say wanting to leave the office already.

She nods as she starts clicking on her mouse and the printer starts generating.

"What size are you in shirt and shorts?" She asks.

"Size small in both" I say.

She gets up grabs the paper from the printer  and goes through some drawers as she takes out a shirt and some volleyball shorts?

"Here are your PE clothes and schedule, we don't have more PE shorts but these volleyball shorts will do" she says me a T-shirt and Nike pro shorts.

"Thank you" I say

I start exiting they're office as I make my way to my 1st period class : Physical Education

I then and there mentally gag, I hated the thought of PE and school was already a big NO for me.

I walk the halls of hell and end up finding my way to the locker room.

I go to the PE teachers office and get situated for the lockers.

As I make my way to the locker room, I see...

Cliffhanger? I think yes .
I hope y'all liked this chapter it would mean a lot if you guys could

Also just to make it clear Kels @fatherkels

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