chapter four

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Chapter 4 - I'm Pretty And I Know It

"We're at least safe," Travis said while putting me down on a couch. "For now."

I made myself comfortable and thanked him.

After running in to the woods, we reached a highway and for mothersucking leech's goodness, there's a house nearby. Plus, there's no one home. Like, why are we so lucky? And since we are criminals, we entered the house without a second thought.

I removed my shirt and tore it apart horizontally, making it look like a crop top and wore it. It was exposing my belly button and I shivered a bit. The night air was cold reason why I pity these shirtless guys with me.

"What are you doing?" Nathan hissed as he sat on the carpeted floor leaning his head on a single seater sofa.

"See it yourself," I barked then I just realized that was rude. He carried me on his back even he's hurt, then okay.. I sighed "Kidding. Um, I'm going to use this for Lucas. You know, temporary bandage." He nodded dreary, eyes closed. He's tired.

Travis roamed around, searching for I have no clue what then I looked at Lucas who's I guess, still not on his proper daze and state. I approached him and he awkwardly walked towards me. "Please, sit on the floor. How do you feel?"


"We can't get the bullet out." I muttered as I touched his arm lightly.

He sighed, "Thankfully, there is no bullet. It only grazed my arm-Aw!"

"Sorry," I carefully wrapped the bandage around his affected arm and he sincerely thanked me after and I smiled in return. I felt so weak and my back was like having its own beat. I massaged it little while watching Lucas sit on a wooden chair then my eyes shited at Nathan who's now asleep and a smile formed my lips... because without these people I'm probably behind bars already.

Now I have realized that the police woman brought me at the right room.

Silence filled the living room and only the ticking of the clock is heard. It says 2:24 am.

"We can't stay here for long." Travis stated, breaking up the silence.

"No disagreement," I coughed while making myself feel a little warm. "What are we going to do now?"

"Earn energy. We should get out of here before sun rises. Does your back still hurts?" asked Travis as he sat on a small couch. Butt itching? Can't sit anywhere cozy?

"I'm fine."

"Okay so, later, I'll go with you and Lucas will go with Nathan. We can't go altogether. We must've been hunted by the locals," he declared.

"Exactly." Lucas mumbles while looking down at his feet.



"I think, you should go with Nathan. I'll go with Luke because I'm taking care of his wound." I excused. I really don't feel like having alone time with Travis at all. I don't know, I just don't want to. His mouth opened, and then closed like he was hesitating to tell me something but at last, he nods.

At two forty am, I prepared myself already and right now I'm waking Nathan up. He groans, "What?" eyes half-closed.

"We need to get out of here now," I whispered, shaking his shoulders a bit. "Here, wear this." I said, handing him a blue shirt. I got it upstairs because I searched each and every closet till I found shirts, I lent one for Travis and for Lucas.

It appears that an old couple lives here, as what I saw on picture frames. I wore a thick fur coat. Dude, I can't bear the cold anymore.

Nathan took the shirt and wore it, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. And um, Nathan," I paused. He stares at me while helping himself stand up. "I never thanked you for carrying me awhile ago so, thanks."

"Oh that," he chuckled. "Don't bother, 'tis alright." he messed up my hair like a kid.

"Hey!" I nudged his hand and playfully hits his arm.

"Julia," I heard Travis called. I faced him while brushing up my hair with my fingers. "Wear this and cover your face." he commands, lending me a white scarf and of course I did as I was told. I know how to put on hijab. So that's what I did.

"Cool," said Nathan whilst laughing.

"I'm pretty and I know it." I beamed, posing like a model. Lucas chuckled and he shook his head.

"Pretty my ass." Nathan barked.

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